After reading developer section, I understand difference between umalloc and malloc, and their reciprocal ufree and free.
But why uncached mem shall be used when using "read-like" function and faster cache memory can be used with "fread-like" functions ?
I visit trunk1054 c files for occurence.
dancingbits - line 57 : malloc when use with fread
dng - line 398 : malloc when use in fread
dumpchk - line 105 & 162 : malloc when use with fread
dumputil - line 98 : malloc when use with fread
extract_event_procedures - line 72 : malloc when use with fread
finsig - line 100 : malloc when use with fread (didn't find a free)
gui_sokoban - line 149 : malloc when use with fread
gui_sokoban - line 277 : malloc when use with fread
pakwif - line 253 : malloc when use with fseek (line 326, ...)
ptp - line 300 : malloc when use with fwrite
raw - line 454 : malloc when use with fread
raw_merge - line 69 & 70 : malloc used with fread
raw_merge - line 203 & 206 : malloc used with fread
rawconvert - line 307 & 325 : malloc use with fread and fwrite
run-ubasic - line 73 : malloc use with fread
script - line 367 : malloc use with fread
yuvconvert - line 161, 163, 165 & 208 : malloc when use with fread or fwrite
Shall I conclude that " f " file operations are so different than block file operations in Powershot ?
And, I found these incongruities that I submit to whom is concerned.
raw - line 242 : malloc when use with write

raw - line 269 : free when use with write

rbf_font - line 108 & 165 : malloc use with read