Seem Problem have the series from Ixus 300 HS and sister cameras and newer.
this camera allow the set of ISO value direct.I dont know what Sense SV_MARKET, SV, DELTA_SV have.Maybe somebody with more knownledge can explain that.
I remove the set of this values complete and get ISO overwrite partly working.
_SetPropertyCase(PROPCASE_ISO_MODE, &svm96_base, sizeof(svm96_base));
I set overwrite ISO to 2 and ISo value Factor to 100 in chdk menu and OSD show ISO 200.
but when i use svm96_base the value of this var is 480(see in prop 149 display) and when i press shoot half, ISO value 500 is show on Canon ISO value view.Image is correct exposure and in exif is ISO store too as 500.
so what variable i should use that is the correct ISO, and wy there are variables that show other ISO as the correct 200 i set ?
and what sv96 mean and all this diffrent ISO values that are set to the Camera ?
read also below the source.
void shooting_set_sv96(short sv96, short is_now){
short dsv96=0, iso_mode=shooting_get_canon_iso_mode();
if ((mode_get()&MODE_MASK) != MODE_PLAY){
if (is_now) {
if (iso_mode<50) dsv96 =sv96-shooting_get_base_sv96();
else if (sv96_base) dsv96=sv96-sv96_base;
else if (sv96_base_tmp) dsv96=sv96-sv96_base_tmp;
sv96_base_tmp= (short)((shooting_get_svm96_base()*shooting_get_sv96())/shooting_get_svm96());
while ((shooting_is_flash_ready()!=1) || (focus_busy));
short svm96_base =shooting_get_svm96_base();
- if (iso_mode>=50) shooting_set_iso_mode(0);
+ _SetPropertyCase(PROPCASE_ISO_MODE, &svm96_base, sizeof(svm96_base));
- _SetPropertyCase(PROPCASE_SV_MARKET, &svm96_base, sizeof(svm96_base));
- _SetPropertyCase(PROPCASE_SV, &sv96, sizeof(sv96));
- _SetPropertyCase(PROPCASE_DELTA_SV, &dsv96, sizeof(dsv96));
I see the overwrite do only work after 2. shutter half press.this i solve by add a set shooting parameter 1 subroutine call before in capt_seq.c of Ixus 1000 Firmware.
what problems can get i dont know, need test more.
here i add in the IX1000 before current call.
I see on other sources place is same as old, but for correct work, i think need too set before on new Camera.
+ "BL shooting_expo_param_override\n" // +
"BL sub_FF883D88\n"
"BL shooting_expo_param_override\n" // +
"BL sub_FF880F24\n"