Hmm, if I'm reading that correctly, the camera will re-enable it after every shot, meaning I'd have to have it turn back off. In that case, turning the backlight on and back off every five minutes for 60 weeks is probably going to be harder on it than just leaving it on 24/7. What do you think?
While the script is running, the display button does nothing.
In that case, turning the backlight on and back off every five minutes for 60 weeks is probably going to be harder on it than just leaving it on 24/7. What do you think?
The 570IS had a viewfinder and the LCD was NOT REQUIRED for "aiming" the camera. The S90 does NOT have a viewfinder and relies on the LCD solely for proper "pointing" of the camera. Because of this - canon removed the ability to "turn off" the LCD from the software of the S90.Hillbille
That makes sense. I found a low-tech solution this morning. Plugged in the composite video cable and cut off the end so it's just the plug sticking off the side fo the camera. This turns off the screen 100% of the time while the cord is plugged in. Doesn't even flash on when a photo is taken. Also doesn't seem to be affecting the CHDK or script at all either.
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