FWIW, people who measured power consumption have reported that this saves very little power. When video out is on, the sensor and display output hardware still run all the time. If your interval is relatively long, you can use the cameras display off timeout to turn the display and sensor off after a short time. You may need to add an extra keypress to wake it up again before shooting.
Good move, except that i would have bought a 1/8" plug from an electronics parts store and saved my cable.
Will you run the camera off AC power or a big external battery? I've been thinking I might want a big battery for a long project of some sort, and that if properly mounted, it would also stabilize my tripod. The more mass, the better, in the tripod biz, as long as it's rigidly mounted near the camera.
I read somewhere -- maybe in this forum? -- that the point & shoot camera shutters are designed to last 10,000+ shots. 60 weeks of shooting a frame every five minutes adds up to about 12 times that life. Are these cameras tougher than in previous generations, or are you expecting that keeping it in a sheltered, vibration-free environment will help extend its life?
Word of Warning: If you are running off of an AC power-supply and going to set the endless-repeat flag do so at your own risk. All Canon manuals warn against allowing their cameras to run for many hours or days at a time. Having said that, the shutter mechanism on SLR cameras is typically reported as lasting at least 100,000 images. In field tests, we've run a Canon A-series camera for more than 4 months taking 2 pictures a minute without any apparent harm to the camera (more than 300,000 images).
I'm hoping that this will hold out for the duration of my project. (96 photos a day, 5 days a week, 60 weeks = 28,800 snaps). The ultra-long duration of this project is why I want everything on the camera powered down as much as possible so it minimizes not only wear and tear on individual components (LCD for example) but also minimizes heat and things like that.
You are putting a lot of confidence - in a suction cup.
Quote from: SkyWalker9 on 12 / May / 2012, 13:57:59One limitation of UBasic is that the size of the script appears to determine the maximum number of input parameters the script can display - small scripts can have more than larger scripts. Due to the size of this script, only 8 parameters could be used. Something does not seem correct here. There is nothing in the code that "adjusts" the number of input parameters allowed AFAIK. However, maybe its possible your overall script is too large and uses too much memory ? Reducing the declaration and use of those variables lowers the overall size ?
One limitation of UBasic is that the size of the script appears to determine the maximum number of input parameters the script can display - small scripts can have more than larger scripts. Due to the size of this script, only 8 parameters could be used.
What would be really nice from my end...would be a way to set everything in the script - like instead of having to choose days of the week (DOW's) how about a simple string of "dates" from 1 to 31. The camera IS already set to it's date and time so it already KNOWS them - so it would be nice if I could just input into the script to "SHOOT" on 4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15. Those numbers representing DAYS of the current month. The time routines are fine as I already have figured out how to mod them in script (NOT in camera with the script running - but on the PC before the script is loaded which makes my changes be "DEFAULT" numbers)...So what I am asking for I guess is that the DOW routine be altered to a DOM (date of month) routine...This change would be good as it would allow really long term use.
...The time routines are fine as I already have figured out how to mod them in script...
That's also what I thought might be happening because I was able to add another parameter after I recoded/reduced the number of lines of code. During the testing the script size was always smaller than the max specified in CHDK UBasic. This might just be associated with the SX20IS port. (I've seem similar problems in other compilers as well, so I just programmed a way around the problem.)
That's also what I thought might be happening because I was able to add another parameter after I recoded/reduced the number of lines of code. During the testing the script size was always smaller than the max specified in CHDK UBasic.
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