Wow - great shots. Makes me want to spend less time on CHDK and more time outside taking pictures.
Thanks, it was a great trip and I'm pretty happy with the results (I'll add more images when I get a chance).
[Off topic a bit ] I think from reading this forum that you have a G12 and a SX30 ? Both in the same prices range, SX30 has the Gigazoom, G12 has the manual control features. Do you prefer one over the other ? Or do you tend to use them both ? Looking for something bigger than my SD940 and more portable than my dSLR - those two are on my short list.
I bought the SX30 for this trip because I couldn't take all the DSLR gear.
After working on CHDK I wasn't entirely happy with the wide angle (after seeing how much distortion and vignetting there was in the RAW images), so I got the G12 to complement it.
Used both equally on the trip. The SX30 was great for wildlife and candid portraits - I have some interesting shots from Rio; but probably can't post them

The zoom range is awesome when you're on the move and don't know what's around the next corner.
The G12 was fantastic when I didn't need the long zoom. It's easier to carry and will fit in a large pocket in a pinch (I use hand straps not neck straps). The controls are nicely laid out and easy to use. I had the built in level turned on all the time which is very handy for getting horizons straight and the built in ND filter also came in handy.
My only complaint with the G12 is that the labels on the buttons are only painted on - the Menu button on mine is now blank where the paint has been worn off. The SX30 has the button text indented into the button surface.
I think the G12 has the edge in image quality. The SX30 DNG files require a bit more work to get the best out of them - Lightroom handles them very well and copes with the CA and noise nicely.