I think it formatted OK ( I have tried about 20 times this week and am getting confused - as well as terminally depressed!) All went fine until I chose the option " create two partitions" that was the command that seemed to do nothing. When I asked in this forum I was told that I MUST pre-create the two partitions using SDM ( or Linux / a Hex writer) since then everything I tried with the card reader just won't "take". I have been using CHDK for years on my old A 710 IS. so I understand the basics. It is getting the card reader / CHDK to actually act or react to the create two partitions that I am stuck at. Thanks for your concern.
First thing I would do is re-format the card in the camera and select the 'low level format' option in the format screen. This will ensure that any old partition information is removed.
When you select the 'Create card with two partitions' menu option do you get a dialog box warning you that this will destroy all information on the card and two buttons labelled yes and no (no is selected by default)?
You have to select the yes button in the dialog and and then press the 'Func/Set' button.
After you press Func/Set this will rewrite the partition table on the card to create a card with two partitions; but does not give any other indication. If you power the camera off and back on you should get a 'Memory card error' message because the new partitions aren't formatted.
When you place the card in you card reader you will not see two partitions on your PC as Windows will only recognise the first partition on an SD card; but if you now format the card it should only format as a 2MB card instead of the original size. If you format the card in the camera it will be reset back to a single large partition - you have to format it in a PC. After formatting it put it back in the camera and power on - you should now get an 'Insufficient space on card' error.
There is also a possibility that the card reader driver in your PC is overriding the partition table set in CHDK and forcing it back to a single large partition (I've seen one example of this before). In this case try using a different computer and card reader.