Thanks Pelican
Now I just need to find a download for 1.0.7
All the links goes to Canon where there is the 1.0.8 now
Got it at
I tried to install it and it seams that I need some help
I downgraded to 1.0.7, made a factoryreset and put the "magiclantern.fir" on the formated CF-Card. For a short second I can see a pink screen saying something like "setting booflag" and a big "DONE" at the and. Seams like everything worked finde.
I updated to 1.0.8 now (could this be the failure?) cause I read somewhere that after setting the bootflag I can update to 1.0.8.
I made my CF-Card bootable and putted all the files from the unified ML release (22nd August) on the card. When I try to turn on my camera with the card I can't see or do anything, so for me it looks like setting the bootflag worked finde but I did something wrong with the ML release. When I turn on my camera without the card it turn on and says "Keine Speicherkarte". Can someone tell me what I have been forgotten?