interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ? - page 20 - DSLR Hack development - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?

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Re: interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?
« Reply #190 on: 14 / September / 2011, 08:30:04 »
Not yet, but the firmware has the ability to play WAV files. It might "sing" something from the factory tests.

Re: interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?
« Reply #191 on: 14 / September / 2011, 08:33:40 »
So there should be an audio processor, right? Not just a speaker with just beeps like in pc motherboards.

Re: interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?
« Reply #192 on: 14 / September / 2011, 14:17:50 »
50D 108:

FF852E0C StartTestSound
FF855038                 LDREQ   R1, =aAudioicAudioic ; "AudioIC\\AudioIC_AK4646.c"
FF852D10 StopTestSound
FF852B58 StartTestPlay
FF852B04 StopTestPlay
FF8529D4 StartTestPlay2
FF852198 SaveTestSound (A:/MB.WAV)
FFA0EF30 WAV_ReadFromFile

« Last Edit: 14 / September / 2011, 14:20:24 by arm.indiana »

Re: interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?
« Reply #193 on: 14 / September / 2011, 14:24:13 »
$ grep -i wav 50d_108_strings.txt
  32714 FM_GetWaveObject (%#x)
  422a0 A:/MB.WAV
  443cc PowerSpeakerForWAV
  446d4 UnpowerSpeakerForWAV
  44ec8 PowerSpeakerForWAV
  47168 [SND] WaveAdrs:%#08x EMDAdrs:%#08x NRC:%#02x
  52970 A:/TEST.WAV
 10df44 fmCreateWaveFileCallback(%#x)
 10dfc8 fmCreateWaveFile (%#x, CBR = %#x)
 10e02c WAV_CreateWaveHeader (%#x)
 10e234 fmCreateWaveFileComplete (%#x)
 10e254 fmCreateWaveFileComplete : FC_GetFileObject (%#x)
 10e288 fmCreateWaveFileComplete : Already remove
 10e2d8 fmCreateWaveFileComplete : FC_CreateFileStart [%#x]
 10e30c fmCreateWaveFileComplete : FC_CreateFileComplete [%#x]
 10e344 fmCreateWaveFileComplete : FC_RemoveFileWithFreeCluster [%#x]
 10e384 fmCreateWaveFileComplete : SpaceNotify (%#x, %d)
 10e5b4 fmGetWaveObject (%#x)
 10e5d4 fmGetWaveObject : file size is zero.
 10e5fc fmGetWaveObject : WAV_ReadFromFile failed [%#x](%d)
 10eecc fmGetObjectInfo : fmReadMTPWAVIFromFile [%#x]
 10fb2c fmGetThumbnail : Baseline/Mrk/Wav
 136ad8 .WAV
 136e88 ctgFileSet (%s) : conflict wav
 137f58 ctgFileFullSet (%s) : conflict wav
 1386dc _FC_GetFileFullObject: WAV Creating(%03d_%04d)
 139564 _FC_CreateFileStart : WAV Creating Now (%#x)
 144298 WAV File Creating Now!
 144560 Wav Not Found
 144570 %s%04d.WAV
 144cc8 Wav Name Not Found
 144cdc %04d.WAV
 1f7994 fmReadMTPWAVFromFile : Not Allocate Memory
 1f79c0 fmReadMTPWAVFromFile : FR_SyncReadFileToBuffer %#x
 1fedb4 WAV_GetDefaultWaveInfo
 1fedcc wavGetFMTcnkfromFile()
 1fede4 wavReadExif(%s)
 1fee10 wavAnalyzeWaveChunk1()
 1ff19c WAV_ReadFromFile(%s)
 1ff1b4 WAV_ReadFromFile
 1ff1c8 WAV_ReadFromFile(memory err!)
 1ff454 WAV_CreateWaveHeader
 1ff484 wavUpdateSizeInChunk
 1ff4a0 WAV_ChangeWaveHeader(%s)
 1ff4bc WAV_ChangeWaveHeader
 1ff4d4 wavChangeWaveHeader(memory err!)
 1ff4f8 wavChangeWaveHeader(wavUpdateSizeInChunk)
 1ff5f0 wavIsPCMFile()
 1ff608 WAVE
 42ee44 Dir:0x%lx,JPG:0x%lx,RAW:0x%lx,AVI:0x%lx,MOV:0x%lx,WAV:0x%lx,MRK:0x%lx
 47bd89 [WAV]
 47e42c WAVEfmt

then add 0xff810000 to these offsets

Re: interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?
« Reply #194 on: 14 / September / 2011, 14:25:12 »
What does this mean, indy?

Re: interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?
« Reply #195 on: 14 / September / 2011, 14:42:28 »

It means there is code for playing .wav sound and for AK4646 in 50D 1.0.8.
and grep can be very useful (if you're lucky).


Re: interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?
« Reply #196 on: 14 / September / 2011, 15:10:27 »
Oh, that's nice.
Do you know where a mic jack can be soldered on the motherboard and where the audio chip is?

Re: interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?
« Reply #197 on: 14 / September / 2011, 17:48:26 »
I've just disassembled my 50D to look for odd connectors but i couldn't understand anything.
There is a strange wire going into a glued white plastic stuff on the motherboard. The wire isn't soldered and doesn't plug in.
It's in the disassembling video posted on page 6, does anybody know what that is? It goes straight towards the internal flash zone, don't know what it is but my 20D didn't have it. It would be nice to know where the internal mic is on a 7D or 60D and what kind of wiring there is (plug, soldering, etc) .

It's an optical fiber takes led light from the white plastic device. i'll try to search for the 50d service manual..i have it for the 40d but it isn't the same...

Re: interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?
« Reply #198 on: 14 / September / 2011, 17:50:02 »
Yes, i realized it after looking where the cablr was going to.

Re: interested in a 50D initial port of Magic Lantern ?
« Reply #199 on: 14 / September / 2011, 18:23:13 »
50d 1.07 firmware

I posted it because it is not still available from canon and is necessary to make the mod.

Where is possible to download the Alex autoexec? But Alex can try to put the 50d in rec and after make a call with a cell phone and put it near the 50d...if you can ear some noise in the audio maybe there is a connector for the mic or audio in...
« Last Edit: 14 / September / 2011, 18:35:07 by dakatana »


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