So all the help I seem to find regarding max card size seems to be related to allowing CHDK to boot on camera start up. If my camera is on all the time via a power adapter for timelapse purposes and I don't care about starting CHDK every time I turn on the camera (only every few days when I have to clean data off the card), can I use the max size memory card my camera will accept? I tried CHDK on an 8GB SD card in a G9 a month ago when I started using CHDK and it seemed to work fine, but I found all these mentions of "limitations" of 4GB if you're going to use CHDK. SO that scared me that something bad would eventually happen to my pics stored on the card if I didn't use a 4GB. Now that I know a little more about CHDK it seems that this is only a limitation if you want it to boot into CHDK automatically when you turn on the camera. Is this true?If this is the case, I'm going back to my 8GB card. Thanks!!
2. The second 4G limitation mentioned is usually the maximum size movie recording that the Canon camera can create before it stops recording. A lot of people wish this maximum could be overcome. If you were to google this topic, you'll find numerous theories on why the 4G limitation
Can you please direct me to a tutorial on running CHDK with a 8gb card? I have had a hard time finding it.
I installed chdk on a 128mb SD card I had lying around with card tricks. Now I want the same program on my 8gb SDHC Micro card in a CD adapter. Anyone know if this is possible? I need the space for time lapses.
@Spe672 -- how do you leave the camera on for a while on power? I want to do some time lapses of flowers blooming but I haven't figured that out yet. I'm using a Canon SD1200 IS (the basic small pocket camera).
I may just get a 4gb--would any work, even a sdhc? I'd avoid buying a new card if I could use the ones I have, I know it is just a matter firguing the process out and then going with it.
4 GB FAT16 is actually non-standard, but AFAIK no one has ever reported problems with it on these cameras.
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