Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081

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Offline ajgelado

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Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081
« on: 05 / March / 2011, 22:38:00 »
I'm an old time CHDK user - I started using it months after buying my A710, almost four years ago.

I have been running CHDK build 735 for more than two years in both my A710 (which now I seldom use) and my A720, ant I have taken some 25,000 photographs and tens of hours of video with it without the slightest problem. Today, I have upgraded my A720 to a new build for the first time in all that time (because the recently ported extra long exposure mode).

It works fine in photo and play modes. But as soon as I switch to video mode, it freezes. It stops responding to any key (not even to the power button or the mode dial!), and shuts down after a few seconds without closing the lens. While it still works, the screen shows a live picture, but the screen overlays aren't updated.

I have double checked this problem doesn't happen with the old build 735, and also have tried deleting the old CCHDK.CFG file. No matter how I try, the freeze always happen with build 1081, and it never happens in build 735. I have not tried the A710 version of build 1081, nor some older builds for A720 which I have laying around (but haven't got to try at the camera).

If you need, I can test older builds on the A720 (I have builds 1053, 839 and 766), or build 1081 on the A710. Also, if I can force the camera to make a memory dump, or there is something I can do to help diagnose the problem, please tell me.
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Offline reyalp

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Re: Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081
« Reply #1 on: 06 / March / 2011, 00:40:17 »
Thanks for the detailed report.

I think I see a problem in change 1069, here's a test build. Let me know if that fixes it.
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Re: Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081
« Reply #2 on: 06 / March / 2011, 01:03:01 »
I have just tried it. It behaves the same way as the official 1081 build :( .

I have discovered that the freeze happens when pointing the camera to a bright surface (i. e., my computer's screen). If I point the camera to a darker area, it behaves correctly in video mode. As soon as I point to the monitor, it freezes instantly, and shuts down in a few seconds. Really strange, but maybe related to the changes made in build 1069 to introduce extra long exposure (the very same feature I'm upgrading because of).
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Offline reyalp

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Re: Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081
« Reply #3 on: 06 / March / 2011, 01:18:03 »
I was pretty certain that would be the problem, or a problem at least. Maybe I built the wrong code, I've attached another build.

You can try to get a romlog, described here http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Debugging#Camera_crash_logs_.28romlog.29

To do this you need a build with 'native calls' enabled. The one I posted should work for this.

If you want to try different versions to narrow down the problematic change, you can make your own builds with http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=845.0

You can see changes affecting a720 specifically here http://tools.assembla.com/chdk/log/trunk/platform/a720 although other changes could be the cause.

If you don't want to build your own, i can do a pre-1069 build at some point but I have some other stuff in all my source trees right now I'd have to deal with.

this is what was in my test builds http://tools.assembla.com/chdk/changeset/1082
Basically, 1069 added new style task hook for movie rec task, but didn't remove the old style one. I've committed this since it was pretty clearly wrong even if it didn't fix your problem...
« Last Edit: 06 / March / 2011, 02:40:18 by reyalp »
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Offline msl

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Re: Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081
« Reply #4 on: 06 / March / 2011, 06:52:25 »
Thx for correction of video function, reyalp.

For me was the video record before and after this patch fine. Maybe the problem of ajgelado  is yet another issue.



Offline fudgey

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Re: Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081
« Reply #5 on: 06 / March / 2011, 07:01:46 »
For me was the video record before and after this patch fine. Maybe the problem of ajgelado  is yet another issue.

...or dependent on some camera setting (video resolution/framerate)?


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Re: Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081
« Reply #6 on: 06 / March / 2011, 09:58:04 »
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Offline msl

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Re: Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081
« Reply #7 on: 06 / March / 2011, 10:35:09 »
Thx for the description, ajgelado.

Now I can confirm this error. But I think, this is an old problem. I could already observe rare and random crashes in video mode under CHDK.

I will investigate some older CHDK versions.

There you can find the source code. And the CHDK shell is a very nice tool to compile CHDK under Windows OS.



Offline reyalp

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Re: Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081
« Reply #8 on: 06 / March / 2011, 15:57:46 »
It still happens with the second test build. I have saved a ROM dump and I attach it to this message.
Code: [Select]
ASSERT!! FocusLensController.c Line 612
Occured Time  2010:07:01 22:44:14
Task ID: 11927579
Task name: PhySw
SP: 0x000E2F5C
Assuming the clock is set correctly on your camera, this means your crash isn't triggering the camera crash handler...

As MSL says, CHDK shell is the simplest way to get started building CHDK.

If it doesn't happen in 1057, that narrows down the possibilities a lot, the only change to a720 platform code after that is 1069 and 1082. (but as I said, it's possible other changes would cause the crash)
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Offline ajgelado

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Re: Bug: A720 locks in video mode with build 1081
« Reply #9 on: 06 / March / 2011, 21:59:05 »
Now I can confirm this error. But I think, this is an old problem. I could already observe rare and random crashes in video mode under CHDK.

For me video mode in CHDK has been very stable (at least, with the versions I have tried), in both the A710 and the A720. I have only had trouble with the dynamic bitrate control (which, anyway, is difficult to use because the lack of feedback on screen) and a bug that shuts down the camera (losing the whole movie) if you use the refocus key while recording and the battery is almost exhausted.

Assuming the clock is set correctly on your camera, this means your crash isn't triggering the camera crash handler...

Oops! I took a look at the dump, and it seemed strange to me the name of the module, but didn't notice the date. Yes, the clock on my camera is set to the minute (it helps me organize my huge photo collection). Looking at what pictures I was taking that day at that time, the bug must have been triggered when using the Timeshift.lua script (it simulates the zooming effect by shifting the focal length while the shutter is open, possibly forcing the lens out of its paces if they aren't at the wide end before running the script).

So no results with the dump. Is there anything else I can do to help? Do you know where can I download builds 1068 and 1069, in order to test them and narrow it even more?
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