I'm an old time CHDK user - I started using it months after buying my A710, almost four years ago.
I have been running CHDK build 735 for more than two years in both my A710 (which now I seldom use) and my A720, ant I have taken some 25,000 photographs and tens of hours of video with it without the slightest problem. Today, I have upgraded my A720 to a new build for the first time in all that time (because the recently ported extra long exposure mode).
It works fine in photo and play modes. But as soon as I switch to video mode, it freezes. It stops responding to any key (not even to the power button or the mode dial!), and shuts down after a few seconds without closing the lens. While it still works, the screen shows a live picture, but the screen overlays aren't updated.
I have double checked this problem doesn't happen with the old build 735, and also have tried deleting the old CCHDK.CFG file. No matter how I try, the freeze always happen with build 1081, and it never happens in build 735. I have not tried the A710 version of build 1081, nor some older builds for A720 which I have laying around (but haven't got to try at the camera).
If you need, I can test older builds on the A720 (I have builds 1053, 839 and 766), or build 1081 on the A710. Also, if I can force the camera to make a memory dump, or there is something I can do to help diagnose the problem, please tell me.