Hi everyone, I have got an Ixus 900ti, had it for sometime, but recently having battery issues, new battery fully charged lasting for about 5 mins, camera switching off, lens malfunctions. As you probably know Canon do not give us any accurate battery info in the OSD, so I was a bit stumped. I have tried a new charger, and 2 new batteries (first bought non genuine, then genuine) I have also cleaned the battery contacts (or so I thought) as a last ditch attempt, I thought I would install chdk as it might give me more info as to what was going on (at very least I could see battery voltage). I installed it no problem, instructions worked well.
But I could see straight away from the on screen battery display that there was a physical issue, it was jumping around all over the place, 40%, 65% 70% 38% etc. If I tapped the case it was even worse. From this I deduced there was still a battery contact issue, or a dry joint. So this lead to a more thorough clean of both battery contacts and camera contacts and now its back to how it was when I bought it. I'm not sure if this is common, but thought I would mention that the chdk software works really well, and off course I'll be keeping it on there, if for nothing else the excellent battery indicator!
So thanks!