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chdkptp - alternative ptp client

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Offline reyalp

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #380 on: 16 / July / 2013, 16:11:18 »
Thanks. I had failed to overwrite some of the older files on the SD card. Working now.
I did some speed tests. When I run
Code: [Select]
rs C:\ -dng the shot takes ~2.2 seconds. The camera doesn't support remoteshoot to jpg. using -raw and -dnghr takes about the same time as -dng.
When I do a regular shoot using
Code: [Select]
=t0=get_tick_count();press('shoot_half');repeat sleep(10) until get_shooting();t1=get_tick_count();click('shoot_full');repeat sleep(10) until not get_shooting(); t2=get_tick_count();return t1-t0,t2-t1 the shot takes ~1.9 seconds (I got it down to that by setting jpeg quality override in the CHDK menu to "normal")

Is it to be expected that the remoteshoot will take longer time? Or do you see any ways to make it as fast as or even faster than the regular shoot?
Are you saving DNG on the card in the no-remote shoot case?

A more apples to apples comparison would be
shoot -dng -dl
which shoots a dng, saves it to the card, and then downloads. Remote shoot should be substantially faster than this.

On my D10, remoteshoot with DNG download is somewhat faster than saving to a slow card. However, D10 has filewrite support, so it is also skipping writing the jpeg to the card. I haven't measured how much that affects the timing.

The times will depend on your camera, card, and host system. If you don't need the image immediately, shooting and saving to the card may give you the faster shot rate.

Also note that "repeat sleep(10) until not get_shooting()" doesn't actually wait until jpeg is completely finished.
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Offline tpont

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #381 on: 16 / July / 2013, 17:42:49 »
Are you saving DNG on the card in the no-remote shoot case?
No I saved JPG to the card in the no-remote case. I get that that makes it an apples/oranges comparison in a way. But I only used DNG for the remote shoot case because my camera didn't support JPG there. So what I'm trying to compare in terms of speed is
1. my current usage which is a JPG shoot to the SD card and
2. the fastest remote shoot case with output that can be postprocessed into a JPG of about the same quality as in 1

Also note that "repeat sleep(10) until not get_shooting()" doesn't actually wait until jpeg is completely finished.

Ok. What I really wish to time is the entire cycle. I.e. how many miliseconds until a user can successfully trigger a new chdkptp command line argument for another shoot.


Offline reyalp

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #382 on: 16 / July / 2013, 21:20:32 »
But I only used DNG for the remote shoot case because my camera didn't support JPG there.
OK, definitely shouldn't expect anything with raw/DNG to be faster than jpeg. The size of the raw data will likely swamp everything else.

I haven't really tried to measure it, but I wouldn't expect remote shoot with jpeg (on cameras with filewerite implemented) to be much different than saving to SD card.  The saving / transfer time is a relatively a smaller part of the whole process.

If you want to get each image as it is shot, remote capture will speed that up, because otherwise you would be saving and then transferring.

If you need this, someone may be willing to implement filewrite support for you on this camera.

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Offline tpont

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #383 on: 17 / July / 2013, 05:07:35 »
If you need this [remote shoot JPG], someone may be willing to implement filewrite support for you on this camera.
Ok, good to know that there is a possibility. I first assumed it was a hardware limitation with the A2300. I'll add a quote from you from another thread with more details in case someone else reads this thread also looking for remote shoot JPG for their camera.
Raw/dng capture should work on all cameras, but the jpeg will be saved to the card. To support jpeg and and suppressing jpeg writes, filewritetask needs to be implemented. Patches adding filewrite support for more cameras are welcome. Requests for filewrite support on specific cameras are also welcome.
Is there a list of cameras that already work with remote shoot JPG?


Offline nafraf

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #384 on: 17 / July / 2013, 05:44:06 »
Is there a list of cameras that already work with remote shoot JPG?
There is not an official list, but it is possible to get it using grep in source code directory.
grep CAM_HAS_FILEWRITETASK_HOOK  platform/*/platform_camera.h  | awk '{print $1}' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}; {print $2}' > remotecapture_support.txt

CHDK for 2300 100f with remote capture support:
« Last Edit: 17 / July / 2013, 06:07:40 by nafraf »


Offline tpont

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #385 on: 17 / July / 2013, 07:30:35 »
Thanks for the list nafraf.
The latest trunk release for A2300 100f already works with remote shoot in chdk ptp. What is the difference in the file you link to?


Offline nafraf

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #386 on: 17 / July / 2013, 08:03:34 »
Thanks for the list nafraf.
The latest trunk release for A2300 100f already works with remote shoot in chdk ptp. What is the difference in the file you link to?
remote shoot JPG  ( rs -jpg )


Offline tpont

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #387 on: 17 / July / 2013, 09:14:08 »
nafraf: I tried it and it works fine. This is great! "rs" now outputs JPG files to the harddrive.

I timed it. "rs C:\ -jpg" takes on average 2.1 seconds on my a2300.
For comparison:
"rs C:\ -dng" ~2.3 seconds
"shoot" (saves to SD card) ~1.8 seconds

I also have the powershot A490 camera so I might as well throw out a request for filewrite for that too while I'm at it  :)
edit: nafraf has added filewrite for the A490 camera; see this thread
« Last Edit: 22 / July / 2013, 06:02:10 by tpont »

Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #388 on: 22 / July / 2013, 09:11:35 »
Do you get this on all cameras or just the memory limited A1200?
It started happening when he upgraded his linux distro, and doesn't happen under windows.

Just installed chdk (1.1.0-2968) on a Canon G7 (1.00i) and using R384-win32 on XP

I am having the same issues. The camera will not go into rec mode with the usb cable connected. Everything else either from the camera or via the command line appears to be working OK.

This is all new to me so if you provide specific details I can supply further info.


Offline reyalp

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #389 on: 22 / July / 2013, 16:17:38 »
Just installed chdk (1.1.0-2968) on a Canon G7 (1.00i) and using R384-win32 on XP
The issue waterwingz was having had to do with other software accessing the camera on connect, putting it in a state that makes mode switching not work.

This can happen on windows, especially if you are using the "filter" driver. I would highly recommend using the INF driver if you aren't already. Note that this will normally disable regular PTP access to the camera. You can remove the driver if you want to restore the original behavior.

Does the camera screen go black when you plug it in? This is usually an indication that some other program tried to access it.

Also to be clear, the camera should be in PLAY mode when you plug it in, and when you want to switch mode, you should use the "rec" command in chdkptp. If you try to switch using the physical controls on the camera, it probably won't work.

I don't recall anyone reporting using the G7 with PTP before, so another possibility is that mode switching over PTP just doesn't work on this camera.

AFAIK the G7 does support Canon's remote capture API, so you may be able to accomplish whatever you are trying to do with other software.
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