I've uploaded a chdkptp snapshot build 426 to the files area
https://www.assembla.com/spaces/chdkptp/documents#Remote capture now has all the exposure options available in regular "shoot". Errors in remote continuous mode are now handled more gracefully. Starting video recording from the GUI should also work better.
Remote capture dng now includes a (ugly, not color corrected) thumbnail. You can also optionally patch badpixels in the capture DNG file with the the rs -badpix option.
Additionally, there is preliminary support for manipulating CHDK DNG files outside of the remote shoot process. This allows you to patch bad pixels on your DNG 1.3 files, extract the raw data and thumbnail in various formats, and display various information about the file. See the dng* commands in cli help for details. This is in early stages, but the idea is that you will be able to download DNGs and prepare them for your favorite raw software in one go. You can also use Lua code to analyze or modify the contents of DNG images. The code can also be used on plain frame buffer dump raw files, but this isn't exposed in the CLI yet.
Some random examples
___> dngload test12.dng
loaded test12.dng
___> dnginfo
4104x3048x12, GBRG, DNG /, CHDK ver. 1.3.0, Canon PowerShot D10
# save raw data as a 16 bit pgm test12.pgm
___> dngdump -raw -rfmt=16pgm
# build a histogram in lua
___> !d=dngcli.selected; histo={}; for y=0,d.img:height()-1 do for x=0,d.img:width()-1 do v=d.img:get_pixel(x,y) if not
histo[v] then histo[v]=1 else histo[v]=histo[v]+1 end end end
___> !c=0 for i=0,126 do if histo[i] then c=c+histo[i] end end printf("%d pixels below blacklevel\n",c)
168985 pixels below blacklevel
I also split the IUP and CD libraries into a standalone download for the raspberry pi builds. You must download both chdkptp-r426-Linux-raspbian-gui.zip and chdkptp-raspbian-libs-20130826.zip
Additionally, the raspbian build contains a cli-only executable which does not require the libraries. For future snapshots, you should not need to re-download the library package.