Another thing I've considered is adding a way to watch arbitrary ranges of memory using in the chdkptp GUI.
It would also be relatively easy to implement a memory browser that gives you a hex-editor style window.
The thread you linked mentions using the DryOS console. This can be done using the physical UART or the patches in (I'm still slowly tinkering with getting that code into the trunk)
chdkptp/trunk/run -c -e"mup $1/SDimage/DISKBOOT.BIN A/" -e"mup $1/SDimage/PS.FI2 A/" -e"mup $1/SDimage/CHDK/MODULES -fmatch=%.flt$ CHDK/MODULES" -e"mup $1/SDimage/CHDK/DATA -fmatch=%.txt$ CHDK/DATA" -e"mup $1/SDimage/CHDK/LUALIB -fmatch=%.lua$ CHDK/LUALIB"
My use case is as follows. I wrote a module that freezes the camera (not as its primary objective). If I could step into the code, that would let me pinpoint the problem.
I've got another idea (hopefully much easier to implement).Uploading a build currently looks like this:Code: [Select] chdkptp/trunk/run -c -e"mup $1/SDimage/DISKBOOT.BIN A/" -e"mup $1/SDimage/PS.FI2 A/" -e"mup $1/SDimage/CHDK/MODULES -fmatch=%.flt$ CHDK/MODULES" -e"mup $1/SDimage/CHDK/DATA -fmatch=%.txt$ CHDK/DATA" -e"mup $1/SDimage/CHDK/LUALIB -fmatch=%.lua$ CHDK/LUALIB"What if the entire zip were uploaded at once (this could help)?
unzip <build zip> tempchdkptp -c -e"mup temp A/"
I have thought about adding an "upload build' feature, but for now you can do something likeCode: [Select]unzip <build zip> tempchdkptp -c -e"mup temp A/"
gphoto2 usb scan, stuffing up the switchability of the rec mode issue: uninstall gphotodoesn't seem to affect the camera or chdkptp at all.Please let me know if I'm losing something by doing this. The other options either didn't work or worked sporadically.
I do think the instructions might be improved a little for people like me.. adding details of how to set environment variables, connect to another computer via network to exchange files and where to place the files in the system.
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