chdkptp - alternative ptp client - page 72 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

chdkptp - alternative ptp client

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #710 on: 13 / August / 2014, 12:36:06 »
ok got it. :)

The gui now works on 32 bit - great  :D

What result does enabling CD_PLUS_SUPPORT=cairo have?

What happens if i enable IUP_SUPPORT, but leave CD_SUPPORT disabled?

Taking 6 pictures takes 22 seconds, doesnt matter if i use shoot or remoteshoot or if i use 16 or only 2 megapixel. is there any way to speed it up? are scripts faster? or is it possible to enable something like serial exposure?

Is it possible to set all options via chdkptp - switching the flash on and off well as switching "File Numbering" from "Auto Reset" to "Continuous" ?


Offline reyalp

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #711 on: 13 / August / 2014, 23:20:48 »
What result does enabling CD_PLUS_SUPPORT=cairo have?
Better quality rendering of the live view, at the cost of lower frame rate. (edit: to be more specific, the resizing to correct aspect ratio in the GUI is smoother)

Note that the compile option only makes it available, to actually enable it you need to have set gui_context_plus=true in your .chdkptpguirc file

What happens if i enable IUP_SUPPORT, but leave CD_SUPPORT disabled?
Live view won't be available. Other things may also be broken, I haven't tested this combination recently.

Taking 6 pictures takes 22 seconds, doesnt matter if i use shoot or remoteshoot or if i use 16 or only 2 megapixel. is there any way to speed it up?
Maybe, depends what your requirements are. If you want to shoot a series of shots with the same exposure (or some exposure you know in advance) then yes, it should is possible. You can use the rs -cont option to do this (if your camera can handle remote shoot in continuous mode, some are buggy), or the rsint command, or write a camera side script that repeatedly clicks the shoot_full_only button.

Some camera settings also affect shooting speed, this has been discussed earlier in the thread. See

In no case will it be significantly faster than the Canon continuous mode spec for that camera.

are scripts faster? or is it possible to enable something like serial exposure?
I don't know what you mean by "serial exposure".

Is it possible to set all options via chdkptp - switching the flash on and off well as switching "File Numbering" from "Auto Reset" to "Continuous" ?
You can manipulate the Canon menus using simulated key presses, either by sending click("keyname") or using the GUI buttons. Otherwise, everything available in is available by sending lua code.
« Last Edit: 30 / August / 2014, 21:55:40 by reyalp »
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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #712 on: 14 / August / 2014, 03:14:49 »
I don't know what you mean by "serial exposure".

i guess it's called continuous (shooting) mode or burst mode.

Do you know how to modify the Makefile if i want to link iup, cd, lua etc. statically? At least iup and cd cause these are not available in the ubuntu repositories.
« Last Edit: 27 / August / 2014, 12:56:38 by ladiko »


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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #713 on: 27 / August / 2014, 22:53:23 »
Do you know how to modify the Makefile if i want to link iup, cd, lua etc. statically? At least iup and cd cause these are not available in the ubuntu repositories.
The Linux binaries I provide are linked statically with Lua. This done just by building Lua as a static lib.

Not sure about IUP and CD. The windows builds (using mingw gcc) are static, so there might be some clues there.

Alternatively, you could just bundle the CD and IUP .so files with your build if you want a complete binary package. I provide a separate package of IUP and CD .so files for raspberry pi, since there are no official binaries and they are kind of a pain to build. Providing the libs separately allows people to build their own chdkptp without needing to build the libs.
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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #714 on: 29 / August / 2014, 09:21:36 »
Is the cairo-support available in the streamed life view as well as in the gui? if you say i need gui_context_plus=true in my .chdkptpguirc, it sounds like it only applies to the iup-gui, but not to the utput that is streamed via command line.

Just a note for this message regarding mjpg streaming: if you ask google about 7b3cc56e5f51db803f790dad720ed50a, you will find some more information about that topic.
« Last Edit: 29 / August / 2014, 09:25:58 by ladiko »


Offline reyalp

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #715 on: 29 / August / 2014, 23:11:10 »
Is the cairo-support available in the streamed life view as well as in the gui? if you say i need gui_context_plus=true in my .chdkptpguirc, it sounds like it only applies to the iup-gui, but not to the utput that is streamed via command line.
It only applies to the gui, the lvdumpimg doesn't do any rescaling at all.
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Offline reyalp

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #716 on: 30 / August / 2014, 23:20:22 »
In chdkptp r653-655, I've added some improvements to the remoteshoot command

You can now shoot multiple shots without -cont. Specify the number of shots with -shots=n
To shoot multiple shots quickly using the "hold half press and click shoot full" method, using -quick. If you don't specify -quick or -cont, each shot will be taken with shoot(), doing focus and AE for each shot.

-quick and -cont allow specifying the number of shots directly,so rs -quick=10 shoots 10 shots.

You can specify an interval between shots using -int=n where n is the number of seconds between shots. Floating point numbers are accepted.

If you don't use -cont or -quick, the accuracy of the interval will be low, since it only controls the start of the shoot() call, not the the full press or shutter opening.

You must be using CHDK 1.3 to use -int with -cont.
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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #717 on: 31 / August / 2014, 03:42:08 »
Great, thanks for implementing this. This way it doesnt take up to 25 seconds to create 6 images with the A2500. I will test it tomorrow.

How does
change the shooting (process)?
« Last Edit: 31 / August / 2014, 03:56:37 by ladiko »


Offline reyalp

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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #718 on: 31 / August / 2014, 15:21:15 »
This sets how the values of -tv etc are interpreted. The default is to use convention units, like -tv=1/100 -av=2.8 etc.
This only affects DNG. It controls whether chdkptp interpolates over zero (or n) valued pixels. This is done in chdkptp, so it doesn't affect processing on the camera.

Background: Remote capture DNG is always in DNG 1.3 format, with bad pixels specified by opcodes. Many DNG processors do not understand the opcodes, so the bad pixels show up. This option interpolates over the bad pixels. All of this applies only to bad pixels which are set to 0 (or some similar value) by the canon firmware. Hot pixels must be handled separately.

Overrides the state of the cameras ND filter, if it has one. Note that camera auto exposure is not aware of any CHDK overrides, including this one. So if the camera would have used the ND filter, and you only force the ND out, the shot will be over exposed. In general, if you override one exposure setting, you should override all.

Attempts to set the focus distance to v before shooting. The default unit is meters.
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Re: alternative ptp client
« Reply #719 on: 01 / September / 2014, 06:58:40 »
if there is no device, chdkptp exits with the following error message:

Code: [Select]
ERROR: no matching devices found
ERROR: not connected

and error code / return code 0. I would like to have different return codes for every error type. What do you think about that?

With my Canon A2500 using rs -cont=6 takes 9,6 seconds while rs -quick=6 takes about 11 seconds. Is there any difference, beside the fact that the camera has to be in continuous mode for -cont? Now it's a little later and darker, so the camera needs 16.2 vs. 14.3 seconds.

Would it make a difference regarding to the speed if -cont=n/-quick=n would be available to the "shoot" operation with and i download all pictures afterwards?

After executing -ereboot, the A2500 doesnt respond to chdkptp nor any key presses, not even switching off works, i have to remove the battery and after re-inserting the battery, the camera works again.

I always execute chdkptp -c -e"rec" -e"shoot ... or chdkptp -c -e"rec" -e"lvdumpimg ..." because the camera is set to play mode on initial startup. Is there any way to suppress the error message "ERROR: already in rec" ? I guess the best way is to test the current mode first, but that takes more time than just getting the erreor message, i guess. Is there a way to check the mode? I just find a reference to "list" which states if the camera is connected or not, but nothing about the current mode. Beside that, it's more like a warning than an error, cause the result is just what i want. I guess adding an option -quiet for play and rec would be sufficient!? While it shouldnt suppress "real" error messages!
« Last Edit: 01 / September / 2014, 12:32:09 by ladiko »


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