chdkptp - alternative ptp client - page 104 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

chdkptp - alternative ptp client

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Offline reyalp

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Re: chdkptp - alternative ptp client
« Reply #1030 on: 02 / April / 2018, 12:48:14 »
My Windows 7 PC (8gb RAM) will clear the RAM if chdkptp exceeds 900 mb of memory. It shot 1500 pictures (about 6gb) without any problem.
My RPi3 (1gb RAM) with Raspian does not clear the RAM, so it crashes. The following pictures are saved to the camera SD card (as you mentioned in Sometimes the RPi will clear the RAM once or maybe twice, but it crashes always. My best attempt was about 800 pictures.
Thanks for the report. I should have a fix for this later today.
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Offline reyalp

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Re: chdkptp - alternative ptp client
« Reply #1031 on: 02 / April / 2018, 16:19:24 »
I checked in a workaround for the remoteshoot memory issues in chdkptp r835. Update to the latest lua files to use it.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: chdkptp - alternative ptp client
« Reply #1032 on: 04 / April / 2018, 15:57:29 »
Hi reyalp,

thank you very much.
I just tried it and it works perfectly.

Re: chdkptp - alternative ptp client
« Reply #1033 on: 29 / April / 2018, 11:43:49 »
As discussed in this thread I was able to get CHDK PTP working on OpenSuse Leap 42 using a slight modification of the instructions for Fedora 27.

The only difference is in the line to insert below. From the install instructions for Fedora 27:
edit /etc/udev/rules.d/40-libgphoto2.rules, immediately below the line
Code: [Select]
ENV{ID_USB_INTERFACES}=="", IMPORT{program}="usb_id --export %%p"Add
Code: [Select]
ENV{ID_USB_INTERFACES}=="*:060101:*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04a9", MODE="0664", GOTO="libgphoto2_rules_end"

For OpenSuse I inserted the same line below:
Code: [Select]
ENV{ID_USB_INTERFACES}=="", IMPORT{builtin}="usb_id"
Also as discussed I was not able to open an Assembla account, so I'm providing feedback here just in case other OpenSusers come up against the same problem.


Offline reyalp

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Re: chdkptp - alternative ptp client
« Reply #1034 on: 29 / April / 2018, 15:57:04 »
As discussed in this thread I was able to get CHDK PTP working on OpenSuse Leap 42 using a slight modification of the instructions for Fedora 27.
Thanks for the note. I'm not sure how much distro specific detail it's worth including, but it's good to have another data point.

I moved the ixus240 related post back to the other thread:
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline reyalp

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Re: chdkptp - alternative ptp client
« Reply #1035 on: 22 / September / 2018, 17:00:23 »
Discussion about set_zoom split to

Unicode related discussion quoted below to keep in this thread
2. question about special (not A-Z) characters after the path command when in rsint mode

What characters are supported after the path command? Could support be added for characters such as the german ü ?

For example if we start rsint mode and then enter the commands
Code: [Select]
path C:/1ü2/1
one would expect the file
Code: [Select]
But in my tests the image is instead saved as
Code: [Select]
where the character between 1 and 2 is , a character not visible in File Explorer in Windows 10

Unfortunately, chdkptp currently isn't unicode aware at all, so I'd recommend sticking to straight ANSI for now. Maybe I can fix this in the future.

Ok, I'll make users stick to A-Z 0-9 Space in paths for now.
You can allow other ASCII symbols if you want (_-+= etc), excluding any the OS disallows of course.

Spaces may be a problem in some contexts, but as long as you've tested that it works it should be fine. For most normal chdkptp commands (download, rs etc), spaces would need to be quoted, but rsint has it's own parsing.
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Offline reyalp

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Re: chdkptp - alternative ptp client
« Reply #1036 on: 06 / December / 2019, 04:37:33 »
Build 921 is posted on the files pages:

Windows builds should no longer have issues that caused sleep and time measurement to have only ~15ms precision in some cases. This could substantially affect multicam sync, and cause some operations to be significantly slower than they needed to be.

Linux intel and raspberry pi builds should run on modern distros. Tested on raspbian 10, Ubuntu 19.10, Fedora 31.

Building on Linux and msys2 should be much simpler than it used to be:
* Check out the source from or download it from using the download button
* Install any required distro-provided dependencies. Common ones are listed in the readme or the output of misc/setup-ext-libs.bash -h
* From the root of the chdkptp source, run misc/setup-ext-libs.bash
* It will download, extract, and build as needed. If it works, you can then just run make in the source tree to build chdkptp (you still need to set GUI=1 if you want the GUI)

setup-ext-libs.bash likely does not work on OSX, but I think I fixed the bug in the script @ftm encountered in

A bunch of improvements to multicam and other changes described in the changelog (where assembla's textile engine didn't eat it  >:( )
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline philmoz

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Re: chdkptp - alternative ptp client
« Reply #1037 on: 06 / December / 2019, 16:17:37 »
setup-ext-libs.bash likely does not work on OSX, but I think I fixed the bug in the script @ftm encountered in

Mostly works on MacOS (10.15.1) with a couple of tweaks:
- requires -nogui option (CD does not build anymore, I've given up trying to make it work)
- copy_runtime does not copy the Lua libs if -nogui is set
- the path for the Lua libs in liblist-osx.txt should be lua52/lib not lua


CHDK ports:
  sx30is (1.00c, 1.00h, 1.00l, 1.00n & 1.00p)
  g12 (1.00c, 1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  sx130is (1.01d & 1.01f)
  ixus310hs (1.00a & 1.01a)
  sx40hs (1.00d, 1.00g & 1.00i)
  g1x (1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  g5x (1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b)
  g7x2 (1.01a, 1.01b, 1.10b)


Offline reyalp

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Re: chdkptp - alternative ptp client
« Reply #1038 on: 07 / December / 2019, 19:40:34 »
Mostly works on MacOS (10.15.1) with a couple of tweaks:
Thanks for checking.
- requires -nogui option (CD does not build anymore, I've given up trying to make it work)
Does the version from still build with that procedure?  Those libs should still work with chdkptp.

If you don't want to mess with it, that's totally fine.

- copy_runtime does not copy the Lua libs if -nogui is set
- the path for the Lua libs in liblist-osx.txt should be lua52/lib not lua
Hmm, on the other platforms I link lua statically. There's a special case in copy_built_lua to make a dylib, if you leave that out can it just link to the .a?
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline philmoz

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Re: chdkptp - alternative ptp client
« Reply #1039 on: 07 / December / 2019, 20:05:23 »
- requires -nogui option (CD does not build anymore, I've given up trying to make it work)
Does the version from still build with that procedure?  Those libs should still work with chdkptp.

If you don't want to mess with it, that's totally fine.

CD hasn't built since Mojave. They don't even provide pre-built MacOS libraries anymore.

I only use the command line stuff in MacOS - if I need the gui I use a Debian VM.

- copy_runtime does not copy the Lua libs if -nogui is set
- the path for the Lua libs in liblist-osx.txt should be lua52/lib not lua
Hmm, on the other platforms I link lua statically. There's a special case in copy_built_lua to make a dylib, if you leave that out can it just link to the .a?

That works thanks. I changed copy_built_lua to create the liblua52.a link instead of the dylib files.
CHDK ports:
  sx30is (1.00c, 1.00h, 1.00l, 1.00n & 1.00p)
  g12 (1.00c, 1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  sx130is (1.01d & 1.01f)
  ixus310hs (1.00a & 1.01a)
  sx40hs (1.00d, 1.00g & 1.00i)
  g1x (1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  g5x (1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b)
  g7x2 (1.01a, 1.01b, 1.10b)


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