I can get live view working by clicking on the play button in teh GUI but I cannot get the overlay to display.
As the camera only has a 2in screen it is very difficult for me to see and really need to be able to use the larger computer screen to make my settings and remote shoot.
I believe live view is known to work on this camera. Maybe if you can provide a bit more detail we can figure out what the problem is.
In general, to use live view you should:
1) Power on the camera in playback mode
2) Connect CHDKPTP
3) In the live tab, check "Viewfinder" and "UI Overlay". You should see the whatever is displaying on the camera screen. If you want a larger view, check "Viewfinder 1:1" as well.
4) To switch to shooting mode, click the "rec" button in the GUI
The steps that work partially for me.
1) Power on the camera in Playback mode.
2) Load CHDK(build includes CHDKPTP) in camera
3) Start chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64 on computer
4) Go to Live View tab deselect all
5)Connect USB cable from computer to camera
5a Connect GUI to camera
5b) Only the off button will operate on camera at this stage. Unable to use <alt>
6) Select Live Viewfinder or viewfinder 1:1
6a) Statistics tab may show communications but viewfinder is black screen.
7) Select UI Overlay and the following error is caught in console.
6) Select "Rec" buttton.
7) Viewfinder now displays LiveView from Camera.

Viewfinder does not display UI Overlay
9) Navigation buttons navigate the camera UI but no overlay in program. So must still look at camera to see what is being selected.
10) shoot and save works.
Error caught when selecting overlay.
ERROR: ...ds\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\gui_live.lua:575: data < palette size
stack traceback:
...ds\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\gui_live.lua:575: in function <...ds\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\gui_live.lua:542>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
...ads\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\errutil.lua:97: in function 'action'
...ds\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\gui_live.lua:464: in function <...ds\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\gui_live.lua:424>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
...ds\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\gui_live.lua:519: in function <...ds\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\gui_live.lua:517>
(...tail calls...)
[C]: in function 'MainLoop'
...wnloads\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\gui.lua:761: in function <...wnloads\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\gui.lua:734>
(...tail calls...)
...nloads\chdkptp-r964-win-x86_64\chdkptp-r964\lua\main.lua:304: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
[string "require('main')"]:1: in main chunk