edit July 4 2015: For the most recent instructions see README-RASPI-LIBS.TXT in the chdkptp SVNI managed to build the gui for raspberry pi. I've uploaded a build to the files area
http://www.assembla.com/spaces/chdkptp/documents which includes the gui libs along with chdkptp
This will *only* work on the raspbian distro (or possibly other hard float distros if they exist).
I only tested of remote X (~1 fps) and VNC (~3fps). These were unable to do live view at more than a few frames per second. Local display should be better. If the target framerate is too high, the program will become unresponsive, so you should set it before enabling live view.
Since there was some trial and error and I didn't restart from the beginning with each change, the notes that follow may not be complete.
I did this using the raspbian distro announced here
http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/1605, most of it should apply to building the libs on other Debian based distros, on pi or pc.
Add the following packages (in addition to the ones required to build chdkptp without gui)
These are mostly from the list found at
http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/en/building.htm except
- I left out the motif related ones, since I don't care about motif.
- libglu1-mesa-dev was not mentioned, but is required for GL support.
- libncurses5-dev was not mentioned, but was required for something in iup.
libwebkitgtk-dev may have been a mistake, since I couldn't get the iupweb component to build and ended up commenting it out. From what I could tell, USE_PKGCONFIG=Yes giving the wrong location.
Get and extract the IM, CD and IUP sources:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/iup/files/3.6/Docs%20and%20Sources/iup-3.6_Sources.tar.gztar -xzf im-3.8_Sources.tar.gz
tar -xzf cd-5.5.1_Sources.tar.gz
tar -xzf iup-3.6_Sources.tar.gz
Note, I used the liblua5.1-0-dev package to provide lua. This caused me some problems, it might be better to build lua along with the rest of the libs. In this case, you'd probably also want to link chkdptp with the locally built instead of the debian package.
Now build the libraries in this order IM, CD, IUP
The documentation mentions that you can build individual libraries. However, for IM and CD, it's not immediately clear which are needed to support IUP, so I just tried to build everything, running make in the top level src directory.
To the distro lua package, the following needs to be set
export LUA_SUFFIX=
export LUA_INC=/usr/include/lua5.1
IM built with just
needs to be built with
to find the correct GTK stuff
I had multiple problems with this one.
Edit the to level makefile to remove iupweb from do_all
create the following symlink to allow the distro installed lua lib to be found
ln -s /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/liblua5.1.a /usr/lib/liblua.a
In srcconsole/Makefile, comment out the @$(TECMAKE_CMD) USE_LUA52=Yes in the iuplua5 target
in the IUP directory
Only building the iup libraries actually needed by chdkptp would probably be a smarter approach.
chdkptp doesn't currently use IM, but some of the CD and IUP stuff depends on it. It might be possible to build whats needed for chdkptp without building IM at all.