Another question: What should I use in place of +/- in this version of CHDK? As that button acts as "up" when in CHDK menus, meaning I can't edit the user menu or perform certain other operations.
I don't know. I haven't used that feature yet. Do any suggestions from
here work?
If not, any one knows where can I define the key for this action?
Anyone still trying to port 1.00D? I'm stuck. Would love to get some pointers from someone trying 1.00D porting.
Stuck where? With such general question I can only give you general pointers: Go trough
For Developers wiki. Read how
Add Support for new Firmware version to see where you can save some time and
Adding Support for new Camera to see everything that needs to be done.
If nothing else, here is the diff for stubs_entry.S between 1.00B (1.00C) & 1.00D:
< // Firmware Ver GM1.00B
> // Firmware Ver GM1.00D
< // Firmware modemap table found @ff89353c -> ff88fde8 -> ff98d574 -> ffac1350 -> ffbe5140
> // Firmware modemap table found @ff89353c -> ff88fde8 -> ff98d574 -> ffac135c -> ffbe5148
< //DEF(levent_table ,0xffb97b94) // Found @0xffb97b94, stubs_min = 0xffb97b94 (0xffb97b94)
< //DEF(FlashParamsTable ,0xffbe537c) // Found @0xffbe537c, stubs_min = 0xffbe537c (0xffbe537c)
> //DEF(levent_table ,0xffb97b9c) // Found @0xffb97b9c, ** != ** stubs_min = 0xffb97b94 (0xffb97b94)
> //DEF(FlashParamsTable ,0xffbe5384) // Found @0xffbe5384, ** != ** stubs_min = 0xffbe537c (0xffbe537c)
< //DEF(zoom_status ,0x0000cb38) // Found @0xffac4a24, stubs_min = 0x0000cb38 (0x0000cb38)
> //DEF(zoom_status ,0x0000cb38) // Found @0xffac4a30, stubs_min = 0x0000cb38 (0x0000cb38)
< //void *vid_get_viewport_fb() { return (void*)0x40546b80; } // Found @0xffb17310
> //void *vid_get_viewport_fb() { return (void*)0x40546b80; } // Found @0xffb1731c
< //long hook_raw_size() { return 0x014d2400; } // Found @0xffb1a7d4
> //long hook_raw_size() { return 0x014d2400; } // Found @0xffb1a7e0
< //#define SD_READONLY_FLAG 0x00020000 // Found @0xffb56264, levent 0x90a
> //#define SD_READONLY_FLAG 0x00020000 // Found @0xffb5626c, levent 0x90a
< //#define USB_MASK 0x04000000 // Found @0xffb5628c, levent 0x902
> //#define USB_MASK 0x04000000 // Found @0xffb56294, levent 0x902
< // { 0, KEY_MENU ,0x04000000 }, // Found @0xffb561e4, levent 0x09
< // { 1, KEY_UP ,0x00001000 }, // Found @0xffb56214, levent 0x04
< // { 1, KEY_RIGHT ,0x00002000 }, // Found @0xffb5621c, levent 0x07
< // { 1, KEY_DOWN ,0x00004000 }, // Found @0xffb56224, levent 0x05
< // { 1, KEY_LEFT ,0x00008000 }, // Found @0xffb5622c, levent 0x06
< // { 1, KEY_ZOOM_OUT ,0x00010000 }, // Found @0xffb56234, levent 0x03
< // { 1, KEY_ZOOM_IN ,0x00020000 }, // Found @0xffb5623c, levent 0x02
< // { 1, KEY_SET ,0x00040000 }, // Found @0xffb56244, levent 0x08
< // { 1, KEY_DISPLAY ,0x00080000 }, // Found @0xffb5624c, levent 0x0a
< // { 1, KEY_SHOOT_FULL ,0x00000003 }, // Found @0xffb5620c, levent 0x01
< // { 1, KEY_SHOOT_FULL_ONLY ,0x00000002 }, // Found @0xffb5620c, levent 0x01
< // { 1, KEY_SHOOT_HALF ,0x00000001 }, // Found @0xffb56204, levent 0x00
> // { 0, KEY_MENU ,0x04000000 }, // Found @0xffb561ec, levent 0x09
> // { 1, KEY_UP ,0x00001000 }, // Found @0xffb5621c, levent 0x04
> // { 1, KEY_RIGHT ,0x00002000 }, // Found @0xffb56224, levent 0x07
> // { 1, KEY_DOWN ,0x00004000 }, // Found @0xffb5622c, levent 0x05
> // { 1, KEY_LEFT ,0x00008000 }, // Found @0xffb56234, levent 0x06
> // { 1, KEY_ZOOM_OUT ,0x00010000 }, // Found @0xffb5623c, levent 0x03
> // { 1, KEY_ZOOM_IN ,0x00020000 }, // Found @0xffb56244, levent 0x02
> // { 1, KEY_SET ,0x00040000 }, // Found @0xffb5624c, levent 0x08
> // { 1, KEY_DISPLAY ,0x00080000 }, // Found @0xffb56254, levent 0x0a
> // { 1, KEY_SHOOT_FULL ,0x00000003 }, // Found @0xffb56214, levent 0x01
> // { 1, KEY_SHOOT_FULL_ONLY ,0x00000002 }, // Found @0xffb56214, levent 0x01
> // { 1, KEY_SHOOT_HALF ,0x00000001 }, // Found @0xffb5620c, levent 0x00
< DEF(ctypes, 0xffb54b4a)
> DEF(ctypes, 0xffb54b52)
< NSTUB(AllocateMemory ,0xffaafd20) //101
> NSTUB(AllocateMemory ,0xffaafd2c) //101
< NSTUB(FreeMemory ,0xffaafd18) //101
> NSTUB(FreeMemory ,0xffaafd24) //101
< NSTUB(GetSystemTime ,0xffaafd78) //101
> NSTUB(GetSystemTime ,0xffaafd84) //101
< NSTUB(MoveFocusLensToDistance ,0xffb1366c) //102
< NSTUB(MoveIrisWithAv ,0xffaad658) //102
< NSTUB(MoveZoomLensWithPoint ,0xffaadd00) //102
> NSTUB(MoveFocusLensToDistance ,0xffb13678) //102
> NSTUB(MoveIrisWithAv ,0xffaad664) //102
> NSTUB(MoveZoomLensWithPoint ,0xffaadd0c) //102
< NSTUB(PutInNdFilter ,0xffaadb48) //102
< NSTUB(PutOutNdFilter ,0xffaadb6c) //102
> NSTUB(PutInNdFilter ,0xffaadb54) //102
> NSTUB(PutOutNdFilter ,0xffaadb78) //102
< NSTUB(SetAE_ShutterSpeed ,0xffb164e8) //102
> NSTUB(SetAE_ShutterSpeed ,0xffb164f4) //102
< NSTUB(_log ,0xffb51670) //111
< NSTUB(_log10 ,0xffb51bb0) //112
< NSTUB(_pow ,0xffb51d28) //114
< NSTUB(_sqrt ,0xffb5394c) // 6
> NSTUB(_log ,0xffb51678) //111
> NSTUB(_log10 ,0xffb51bb8) //112
> NSTUB(_pow ,0xffb51d30) //114
> NSTUB(_sqrt ,0xffb53954) // 6
< NSTUB(qsort ,0xffaf64f4) // 6
> NSTUB(qsort ,0xffaf6500) // 6