I'll keep the idea of a stand-alone property cross-reference tool in mind while rewriting
the parsing code.
Stand alone cross referencing tool for camera properties, can work in GUI or command line mode
Extra camera name columns in the output (as in CHDK-Shell) are default, but can be suppressed.
Does NOT work for 'old' builds (i.e. the ones without 'platform_camera.h' files)
CHDKXREF.7z (266 kB .7z incl. source)
[edit 14-04-2011: new version 1.01] CRC-32: CE687663
MD5: 37AEA1A81DC513A721672917E373F250
SHA1: 09572AB6487F5BFC605219BA6F185FDAC73CDE15
Suggestions, comments, requests ?
[edit 13/04/11]
Because CHDKXREF enumeraterates the /platform folders rather than parse the Makefile to create
it's camera list, as a side effect it identifies camera's that have /platform code, but no entries
in the original camera.h - they will show up as empty rows in the output.
For trunk r1141 camera's affected are: IXUSW_SD430 and S80
[edit 14/04/11]
New version 1.01 can now automatically create 'cleaned' platform_camera.h files