I've been trying to use CHDK to remove the 10 minute limit on my A1200 1.00A, but it's not working.
Anyway, I was able to record 25 minutes thanks to the latest 1.00A firmware, but stopped after the sensor went to 54 deg C.
Will appreciate it if you will provide a PS.FI2 file, so I can test it with my other 32GB SD card.
I tried the latest build on my 1.00A but couldn't get past the 10 minute movie limitation (1280 resolution).At 9:49 the timer turned yellow/orange but at 9:59 the recording stopped.Recording at smaller resolution seem to work, but haven't tried longer than a few seconds.
On another A1200 1.00A which I have hacked the hard-way (added a micro controller connected to RC gear to remotely switch camera on/off and trigger shutter button + removed the flash-light and capacitor) I cannot get the CHDK to work. The lamp (between viewfinder and flash) lights up and stays that way. I have probably altered too much by removing the flash and capacitor for CHDK to boot up correctly?
I have probably altered too much by removing the flash and capacitor for CHDK to boot up correctly?
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