But something has to power the hub itself. When it says "unpowered hub" it actually means "no seperate external power supply - gets power from the computer its plugged into"
Quote from: Microfunguy on 05 / September / 2012, 13:44:42More of a concern, that camera was introduced in 2011 and it is not known if precision synch is possible. Early in 2011 so we will have to see. Probably more concerning is trying to do precision sync from a CA-1. I'll have to look and see if we came up with a good way to do that in the new USB code. The issue is that you have to start the full-shoot on the rising edge of the full shoot pulse in order to be able to "sync" on the falling edge of the pulse. But you don't know its a full shoot pulse (rather than a cancel pulse) until you have actually timed to pulse width - too late to then also sync. This in not a problem with a conventional "one push" switch.
More of a concern, that camera was introduced in 2011 and it is not known if precision synch is possible.
Enables synchable scriptless remote code originally used in Stereo Data Maker.
I was not able to get the camera to shoot on the second pulse on the USB input. Is there a workaround? Or is it my usual operator error?
... when I plug and unplug the USB input from the computer (as a simple test providing the change in signal voltage), I don't get the camera to shoot.
Thanks again, I had it in <alt> mode, oops. Operator error is often my snag. Now I'm getting photos. See: http://flic.kr/p/d8U7cs
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