Canon PowerShot A1200 - page 10 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

Canon PowerShot A1200

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Re: Canon PowerShot A1200
« Reply #90 on: 04 / October / 2012, 05:12:43 »
I don't have a fully charged set of batteries with me but my theory is that battery drain in video modes is very high and if you have a set of batteries that are partially depleted,  they will quicky drop even further when the you start recording.  When you stop recording,  the batteries appear to recover.   I'll test this with a new set of batteries this weekend but I'm seeing the same effect with CHDK loaded or not loaded.

Today I tried a new set of batteries and a potential drop is much smaller, but I noticed that the size of an SD card significantly affect the electricity consumption.
Original Canon SD card 128 MB at the start indicates 100 percent of the battery charge and the video recording rate quickly drops for 5 percent.
TakeMS card 8GB at the start indicates 95 percent of the battery charge and the video recording rate quickly drops for 20 percent, further diminished the percentage is much faster than on a smaller card, memory chip consumption takes its price.

Re: Canon PowerShot A1200
« Reply #91 on: 04 / October / 2012, 08:55:59 »
Today I tried a new set of batteries and a potential drop is much smaller, but I noticed that the size of an SD card significantly affect the electricity consumption.
Original Canon SD card 128 MB at the start indicates 100 percent of the battery charge and the video recording rate quickly drops for 5 percent.
TakeMS card 8GB at the start indicates 95 percent of the battery charge and the video recording rate quickly drops for 20 percent, further diminished the percentage is much faster than on a smaller card, memory chip consumption takes its price.
Very interesting.  I've been meaning to hookup an meter to measure the current flowing from my external power supply to the camera.  I think I'll get that project going and see what I can learn.

Without CHDK,  we never would have noticed this as Canon does not report battery levels as anything other than good / partial / empty.   Maybe I'm starting to understand why.

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Canon PowerShot A1200
« Reply #92 on: 04 / October / 2012, 23:43:28 »
Glad to hear it's not just me being a noob to CHDK with the issues I noticed!

I haven't had a chance to do any more video tests with fresh batteries yet - I'm actually on vacation right now so I haven't had time to do much experimentation.  Will be back home on Sunday and should be doing more investigating after that.  I'd offer to look at the code but I suspect by the time I got my head around it someone more experienced will have some better answers...and I don't do much C anymore and haven't touched assembly in years.  But I do plan on at least setting up enough of a dev environment to be able to build from source so when/if I get some time I can browse through the code and try to get a feel for how this all works.

I do seem to be able to load grids from playback mode as long as I load the smallest rulers grid first.  For some reason loading that grid first always seems to work and I can then load other grids.  But if I try to load any other grid first then the camera crashes.  There may be something else going on that I'm missing though as to why that seems to work.

Did try the HDR script today while I was out and about and it seemed to work quite well...if not a little slower than I would have hoped.  But I haven't even looked at the script source yet to see if there are built in pauses or something.  Really hope I can find time to look at the motion sensing script soon and figure out if this camera can do faster motion sensing, right now it's too slow to be a useful feature for me just using the default sample scripts.  (by even someone slowly walking past is out of frame by the time it triggers - absolutely no chance of catching lightening.)  Hopefully it's just the default settings in the sample script that cause it to be so slow right now <fingers crossed>

Re: Canon PowerShot A1200
« Reply #93 on: 04 / October / 2012, 23:59:38 »
I haven't had a chance to do any more video tests with fresh batteries yet - I'm actually on vacation right now so I haven't had time to do much experimentation.  Will be back home on Sunday and should be doing more investigating after that. 
I'll bet a small sum that this is just a depleted  battery issue.  Did some reading on the"bugsplatter" pdfs from and the current drain during recording can easily be high enough to drag down a partially depleted set of AA cells.  And the "recovery" when the load goes away is normal for batteries.

I'd offer to look at the code but I suspect by the time I got my head around it someone more experienced will have some better answers...and I don't do much C anymore and haven't touched assembly in years.  But I do plan on at least setting up enough of a dev environment to be able to build from source so when/if I get some time I can browse through the code and try to get a feel for how this all works.
That's when the fun starts.  For now, assume there is someone else who will look at the code.

I do seem to be able to load grids from playback mode as long as I load the smallest rulers grid first.  For some reason loading that grid first always seems to work and I can then load other grids.  But if I try to load any other grid first then the camera crashes.  There may be something else going on that I'm missing though as to why that seems to work.
I'll try that too.  The fact that it loads in shooting mode and not in playback mode should be a big enough clue once I get home to my dev machine.

Did try the HDR script today while I was out and about and it seemed to work quite well...if not a little slower than I would have hoped.  But I haven't even looked at the script source yet to see if there are built in pauses or something.  Really hope I can find time to look at the motion sensing script soon and figure out if this camera can do faster motion sensing, right now it's too slow to be a useful feature for me just using the default sample scripts.  (by even someone slowly walking past is out of frame by the time it triggers - absolutely no chance of catching lightening.)  Hopefully it's just the default settings in the sample script that cause it to be so slow right now <fingers crossed>
The guy that wrote those scripts did them at the time when there were no real "photography" scripts included in the default installation - just a lot of test scripts that ran test code.  So those were added as the absolute simplest example of the four things they did - with a Lua and uBASIC version for reference.   There are hundreds of better scripts on the wiki and forum if you do some searching.     

The timing on the HDR script is a function of how fast you can cycle shots with a script - there are tricks to speed it up but its still going to take you several seconds to take three shots. 

The Motion Detection script is totally untuned for any particular camera - you need to study the parameters and play with them to get your A1200 to work well.   FWIW they seem to be dependent on ambient light level a bit too.  There was an auto-tuning script for motion detection posted some time ago - I went looking for it a few weeks ago but could not find it - I need to look again.  Might have been on the German forum?

If you get a good set of values that work for you,  please post them here in the forum ?

« Last Edit: 05 / October / 2012, 00:24:56 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Canon PowerShot A1200
« Reply #94 on: 05 / October / 2012, 19:43:38 »
If I make any progress with the motion detection I will gladly share!  I tried out the sample intervalometer script tonight and it worked great.  Only let it run for about half an hour but didn't show any drop in the battery even after that ("new" lithium AA's - they were used for a professional photo shoot but still read full on a battery tester) 

Will probably try some video on these batteries later tonight if I get a chance.

Re: Canon PowerShot A1200
« Reply #95 on: 10 / October / 2012, 01:26:05 »
Haven't had any time to play with the motion detection or test video on fresh batteries...but I did have fun tonight doing some quick and dirty star trails in my backyard:

Need to pick up some new NiMH's before desert camping season starts!  And/or make up a power cable.  Guess I'll have to actually look at the Canon manual to see if they say what the requirements are for external power.....

Loving what CHDK makes this little camera capable of!  Thank you so much for this port waterwingz!  Wish I had jumped into this when I first heard about CHDK!

Re: Canon PowerShot A1200
« Reply #96 on: 11 / October / 2012, 11:31:42 »
I have a chance to pick up 50 of these cameras. I would like to utilize them in an array.

I have a couple with FW - C and am happy with the results but couldnt find anymore. I picked up an A810 as a newer camera that had some CHDK ports but am sitting with it now and cant even get the FW rev to display.

Anyway my question is if I buy the 50 is there a chance that there is a FW rev d on the 1200 that isnt ported yet and then I have 50 cameras sitting waiting...or should I continue the battle with the A810?

I am new here and have been doing alot of reading and am very impressed with what has been done already.

Thanks all for your efforts and allowing the others to learn from your experiences.


Re: Canon PowerShot A1200
« Reply #97 on: 11 / October / 2012, 11:37:55 »
Anyway my question is if I buy the 50 is there a chance that there is a FW rev d on the 1200 that isnt ported yet and then I have 50 cameras sitting waiting...or should I continue the battle with the A810?
So far,  the only version of firmware reported for the A1200 are 1.00a & 1.00c.

The 1.00c is ported and released.

The 1.00a is ported but not released as nobody has stepped forward to test it.

While it is possible there is other other versions out there,  the camera is EOL and no other versions have been reported so its not likely.  If there are,  porting to the new version is pretty easy.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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Re: Canon PowerShot A1200
« Reply #98 on: 11 / October / 2012, 12:07:17 »
I have a couple with FW - C and am happy with the results but couldnt find anymore. I picked up an A810 as a newer camera that had some CHDK ports but am sitting with it now and cant even get the FW rev to display.
Try to use the ACID utility.

Switching photos using the orientation sensor
« Reply #99 on: 11 / October / 2012, 17:41:18 »
Hello! I want to share a simple script i wrote. It's able to switch photos on "Preview mode" using the orientation sensor, i think it's cool, please try it..
There's two versions, the first one only switch photos, the second one let you use the zoom and FuncSet button..
You can change sleeptime in the script menu if you find it a little slow, recommended values are: 200 in the first one and 400 in 2.0


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