I just installed CHDK on my camera (IXUS 120is), after waiting a while for it to come out for my firmware (101a).
I've got a decent bit of knowledge in cameras and computers, but only once they're running. I don't know any programming and such.
I was wondering
how/if I can override the 10 minute video limit on my camera. I've gone through all the menus, checked these forums, and used google as well, but I can't seem to find an answer (probably because i'm using five or so keywords in each search). Do i need to add a script, or is it already there?
(The video is HD 720p, and 10 mins is 1.69gb. I'm using a 4gb card; so technically, I should be able to shoot approximately 21 mins...)
Also, is it possible to change WB while shooting?
And lastly, i've done all the research, but I cant seem to find how to change aperture (Tv) values manually. Does the CHDK for my camera support it?
I'm quite happy with the optical zoom in video as well, i onyl wish it were a little quieter!
p.s: I wont be online for the next two days... (hopefully i'll get some replies before that)