@title NOLCDVIDEO@param d Low Voltage Threshold@default d 2400@param e Low Disk Space Percent Threshold@default e 10@param f Enable Low Voltage Alert@default f 1@param g Enable Low Disk Space Alert@default g 1rem v1.0.0.1rem todo: set_led for recording, battery low, card almost full. To use switch case statements when if, elseif is neededrem Original values: A = focus mode, a=buttonchecks, b=modechecks(get_mode),c=backlightstate,d=batteryalertvoltage,e=freediskspacealertpercent,f=batteryalertstate,g=freediskalertstate,h=internalmathvar,i=internalmathvar2rem Initb=get_modeif b=1 then goto "dorecmodeerror"if b=0 then goto "dosceneerror"rem get_prop 12 Arem if A=0 then set_prop 12 1rem Mainprint "Starting..."if get_movie_status=4 then rem set the led print "Recording already started..." print "Turning off LCD in 1 sec" sleep 1000 set_backlight(0)else press "shoot_half" sleep 1000 click "shoot_full" rem set the led print "Started recording..." print "Turning off LCD in 1 sec" sleep 1000 set_backlight(0)endifc=0:loop wait_click 5000 is_key a "display" if a=1 then gosub "dotoggledisplay" if is_key "no_key" then gosub "dochecks"goto "loop"rem Func:dochecks if get_vbatt <= d then if f=1 then playsound 6 print "Battery Voltage: ", get_vbatt, "V" endif endif h=get_free_disk_space * 100 / get_disk_size if (h <= e) then if g=1 then playsound 6 print "Disk space left:", get_free_disk_space / 1000, "MB (", h, "%)" endif endifreturn:dotoggledisplay print "Toggling display..." if c=0 then set_backlight(1) c=1 else sleep 500 set_backlight(0) c=0 endifreturn:dosceneerror print "Not in Video mode, exiting." sleep 1000end:dorecmodeerror print "Not in REC mode, exiting." sleep 1000end:restore set_backlight(1) print "Stopping recording" rem unset the led click "shoot_full" rem set_prop 12 A
fusionstream, it's what I've done first.
Hi Phil, the property 49 shows "2614".
The property 49 is 2614 for the 'Color Accent' and 'Color Swap' video modes.I've CHDK Ver. 0.9.9-1204 from s95-100k-0.9.9-1218-full_BETA
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