Hi all,
I have some basic experience (thanks Microfunguy) in modifying the SDM source code.
I used that experience to modify my hardwired stereo cam rig (two IXUS860IS).
My cam rig does now following:
- On switching on the camera or switching from 'play' to 'rec' mode the zoom moves automatically to 46mm (typical stereo focal length)
- Since the cam is hardwired I can use the shutter button of the right cam to take synchronized photos (no external USB switch needed)
(pressing half: focus, pressing full: waiting for release, releasing: take SDM synchronized photo)
This gives me a quite comfortable stereo cam I used until now.
Now it is time to go one step ahead, since hardwiring the cam is difficult, time consuming, you loose warranty and sometimes you loose a whole cam if something went wrong
Now I want to buy two S95 and link / synchronize them by SDM and USB.
My idea is to use the USB port of the cams to steer them, that means I want to create an external device (using a microcontroller) to send pulsed signals to the cams to change settings e.g. ISO, zoom, aperture, time, etc. - typical values for photography.
So hardwiring is not necessary anymore. Two cams can be manipulated synchronously using the external device.
I will implement a small LC-display to see the current status of the cams.
Hope it is clear what I mean.
I also want to add an hot-shoe for external flash to that device to make it easy to use external flash for cams without hot-shoe.
The device will synchronize the flash with SDM.
Does anyone have tried it before, are there any experiences?
Where is the best location in source code to read the USB for a pulsed signal and act on it?
Thanks for any ideas / pitfalls etc.