New USB project for stereo cameras - page 2 - Microfunguy's Builds - CHDK Forum

New USB project for stereo cameras

  • 19 Replies
Re: New USB project for stereo cameras
« Reply #10 on: 30 / April / 2011, 05:23:20 »

Can you tell me how the functions are called and where to find them to:

- Change ISO
- Change focus
- Change Aperture

In platform\generic\shooting.c\tv_override().

(yes, it should be renamed as it overrides other parameters as well).

96 units = 1 exposure value.

- Change time

Not sure what you are referring to,

switched the cams off and on again until the LED's show green

With the A620, turning dial to movie mode will enable led pulses.
With the S95, for example, you have to actually start recording a movie .. which is unfortunate .. as far as I can tell.

Do you think the cams keep synchronized?

Someone who used SDM for making a movie for the Nintendo 3DS reported that was the case :-

« Last Edit: 30 / April / 2011, 05:39:45 by Microfunguy »

Re: New USB project for stereo cameras
« Reply #11 on: 30 / April / 2011, 14:44:02 »
Hi David,

thanks again,

- Change time

Not sure what you are referring to,

I think the correct translation will be 'shutter speed' or 'exposure time'

is this also inside tv_overide?

2 x IXUS 860IS 100c
2 x Powershot S110 103a

Re: New USB project for stereo cameras
« Reply #12 on: 30 / April / 2011, 15:44:14 »
I can give you a clue, Tv = shutter speed.

Re: New USB project for stereo cameras
« Reply #13 on: 02 / May / 2011, 15:23:57 »
Hi David,

thanks to enlight me  ;)

In german we just say aperture and time (Blende und Zeit) - thats it ;)

Tv? What does it mean exactly? What stands T and v for? And Av?

Thanks ;)
2 x IXUS 860IS 100c
2 x Powershot S110 103a

Re: New USB project for stereo cameras
« Reply #14 on: 02 / May / 2011, 15:40:30 »

In german we just say aperture and time (Blende und Zeit) - thats it ;)

That makes a change, German words are usually very long   :)

What stands T and v for? And Av?

That is what is marked on the Mode dial of the camera.


Re: New USB project for stereo cameras
« Reply #15 on: 09 / May / 2011, 16:50:25 »
Hi David,

is there any possibility to get informed when focus is finished?
I mean I need a function which returns a value or something like that if the cam has finished focusing.
Hope it is clear what I mean.

Thanks for any help!
2 x IXUS 860IS 100c
2 x Powershot S110 103a

Re: New USB project for stereo cameras
« Reply #16 on: 14 / June / 2011, 06:43:04 »
Hi David,

are you there somewhere? I still need help for my question:

is there any possibility to get informed when focus is finished?
I mean I need a function which returns a value or something like that if the cam has finished focusing.
Hope it is clear what I mean.

Thanks for any help!
2 x IXUS 860IS 100c
2 x Powershot S110 103a

Re: New USB project for stereo cameras
« Reply #17 on: 14 / June / 2011, 12:32:13 »
is there any possibility to get informed when focus is finished?

Sorry, I missed that.

Yes, you monitor the variable 'focus_busy'.
In platform code, you have to declare :-

extern volatile long focus_busy;

When focus is no longer busy, that does not mean that it has succeeded in focusing.
It has either succeeded or just stopped trying.


Re: New USB project for stereo cameras
« Reply #18 on: 04 / July / 2011, 14:53:31 »
Hi David,

I also was two weeks on vacation, thanks for your reply, I read today.
You wrote that focus_busy I can use to detect if focus is busy or not. You further wrote that it not necessarily mean that focus has finished successfully. But how then I can detect if focus finished successfully or not?

Thanks for any hint!
2 x IXUS 860IS 100c
2 x Powershot S110 103a

Re: New USB project for stereo cameras
« Reply #19 on: 04 / July / 2011, 15:11:10 »
how then I can detect if focus finished successfully or not?

Zoom you camera to telephoto.

Point it at something 150mm away.

After it has tried to focus, focus_busy will be zero.
It has finished trying.

BUT, it can never focus at 150mm for optical reasons.

In very dark conditions I guess it may have similar problems.

I tried monitoring focus_busy a few days ago on an A460, did not seem to work.


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