brightness 120 saturation 240tone 80Is that YUV ?
If so, then if zebra check only y channel, a overexpose can not detect, because brightness is only 120
What means zebra, or under/over exposure ?Well, the principal question is "What do you want to detect ?", "What do you want to check against what ?"
I understand your target.The question is:Is sensor data available before shooting in order to read preliminary sensor RGGB data before shooting and therefore create a sampled RAW histogram/zebra display ?
If it is, I don't think anyone has ever found it. I would guess that something down in the hardware creates the YUV live buffer directly.Thinking about my previous post, the sensor->YUV transformation is not constant. The viewport (and jpeg) both have white balance, the raw data does not. So without additional information, it's impossible to establish an RGB zebra from the viewport that really corresponds to the limits of the raw buffer. Canon "i-constrast" would also confuse things.If the transformation used for the viewport and jpeg are close (one would hope so), you may still still be able to get a good idea of what will exceed limits in the jpeg, I guess.
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