- dumped the camera firmware. I believe I have 1.01c since the exif in the jpgs says 1.01 revision 3.00
done! posted the firmware.
What start address did the Canon BASIC script report ? ( FFC00000, FF810000, FF000000) ?
A seg fault occurred but it kept going. Now, I need to figure out why it seg faulted!
is this something that is displayed on the screen? Because due to the black screen I can't see anything.
The seg fault is gone but the stubs_entry.S is still blank. On another note, I find it curious that camera constants are hard-coded inside of core/kbd.cIf I change the define CAMERA_sx220hs in platform.h, this of course causes compilation issues in kbd.cI don't quite think it would be good practice for me to change kbd.c but what is the alternative for adding a new camera type?thanks.
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