void spytask(long ua, long ub, long uc, long ud, long ue, long uf){ core_spytask();}
"BL CreateTask_spytask\n" //added //"BL sub_FF8349EC\n" //taskcreate_PhySw() //"BL taskcreatePhySw_my\n" //patched
I was wondering if there's some place I could start poking around without duplicating others' efforts. I've got the environment downloaded and set up, and have built the ELPH 500HS port.
Since the other two devs in this thread have 1.01c, and there does not seem to be a firmware upgrade available from Canon, I imagine I've got to start from the beginning anyhow. So no worries about duplicating efforts...
Functions entered:boot()sub_FF810358_my()sub_FF8111B0_my()Functions that are currently not entered yet:sub_FF815EE0_my()taskcreate_Startup_my()task_Startup_my()taskcreatePhySw_my()
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