ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread - page 50 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread

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Re: ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #490 on: 17 / December / 2011, 10:27:57 »
Thanks for the help! I can't find the firmware update option in the canon menus. Is it called something different?
The firmware update option in the Canon menu only appears if there is a ps.fi2 file in the root of the SD card and you start the camera by holding down the playback switch rather than the on/off switch.
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Re: ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #491 on: 17 / December / 2011, 10:35:05 »
Hmmm. I tried this, still no dice. I'm on a mac, don't know if something there could be screwing this up. I'll attach a picture of what's on my card, perhaps that will help?


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Re: ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #493 on: 17 / December / 2011, 10:45:39 »
I got it. I had to unflag some hidden files from the download using the instructions:

In terminal (after renaming the card CANON_DC):

    Open the Terminal. (It is found in your Applications > Utilities folder)

    Enter these commands: (Assuming you have already installed CHDK on your SD Card)

cd /Volumes/CANON_DC

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine DISKBOOT.BIN PS.FIR

But changing the name PS.FIR to PS.FI2

Re: ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #494 on: 17 / December / 2011, 21:10:58 »
Canon PowerShot Elph 300 hs chdk Ultra Intervalometer Time Lapse

Long Shutter Mode,
15 sec shutter speed,
Focus Lock,
iso 100,
Auto WB.

Ultra Intervalometer script,
30 sec intervals,
125 shots,
Playback 25fps, 5sec.
2 hours 14 minutes
« Last Edit: 17 / December / 2011, 21:34:45 by henrooo »

Re: ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #495 on: 19 / December / 2011, 02:09:55 »
Is it possible to lock the exposure in movie mode?

Re: ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #496 on: 19 / December / 2011, 10:51:57 »
I'm planning to buy a HS115 or 220 hopefully in some months. Was wondring since i'll be purchasing a sealed pack. How do do i check the firmware on the box, since i cant open the box at the shop to check the firmware. ?.. :S and is this compatible with the DIY shutter  button?

Re: ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #497 on: 19 / December / 2011, 11:10:03 »
I'm planning to buy a HS115 or 220 hopefully in some months. Was wondring since i'll be purchasing a sealed pack. How do do i check the firmware on the box, since i cant open the box at the shop to check the firmware. ?
This is a common question without a good answer.  In short,  you can't tell from the box what firmware version you are getting.  If not being able to run CHDK is a show stopper for you,  make sure they have a generous return policy.

Here's a link to a thread about this : Getting a camera with a supported firmware version

And some background information on the development process if you get one that is not supported and are willing to wait :  CHDK FAQ : My camera isn't ported yet

Note that sometimes a camera with an unsupported firmware version will work properly with a CHDK firmware port for the version numerically nearest to it.  Please post that information here if you find something like that out.

and is this compatible with the DIY shutter  button?
It has a USB port so "Yes".  Search the wiki and forum for "USB Remote".  Here's a headstart : http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/USB_Remote_Cable
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Re: ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #498 on: 19 / December / 2011, 17:07:51 »
Thanks for all that help and info. ! :) I hope i get lucky enough to get one with one of the listed Firmwares. I hope all goes well. If it does, then you'll be seeing me alot around here. What do you think of the HS220?.

Also was wondering how many firmwares might be released of HS220 by Canon as of this date

Re: ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #499 on: 19 / December / 2011, 17:25:42 »
Thanks for all that help and info. ! :) I hope i get lucky enough to get one with one of the listed Firmwares. I hope all goes well. If it does, then you'll be seeing me alot around here. What do you think of the HS220?.
Looks nice.  But what do I know ?

Also was wondering how many firmwares might be released of HS220 by Canon as of this date
Really no way to tell except for reports here and if somebody is keeping notes on the wiki page for this camera.
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