Quote from: michi1911 on 05 / May / 2011, 07:31:19With these facts I've to recalculate if the port will exceed my time budget As you've figured out, porting to a new camera is a really big job. Especially if you are coming up the learning curve from scratch. Even if you only value your time a $1/hr, its still a better deal to go out and purchase one of the supported camera / firmware combinations. Especially if what you really want to do is enhanced photography rather than software.
With these facts I've to recalculate if the port will exceed my time budget
I agree, but unfortunately the parameters of my 220hs,HD resolution, 24-120mm, 140gr. are fitting so perfectly to my microcopter requirements, that I hardly find a ported equivalent
But it is acceptable...I try to change the CAM at my distributor.
P.S.: "All but the 1.00E have been ported." How high is the probability to get an "E" release here in Europe!?
Quote from: michi1911 on 05 / May / 2011, 10:24:26But it is acceptable...I try to change the CAM at my distributor.Not sure if you can buy an IXUS120 -SD940 new any more but its worth a try.Quote from: michi1911 on 05 / May / 2011, 10:24:26P.S.: "All but the 1.00E have been ported." How high is the probability to get an "E" release here in Europe!?Pretty low I would think. There have only been two people reporting owning them that I know of and I believe they were originally sold in Asia. In any case, it would be an easy job to port to it once we have a firmware dump. I can help you out there should it happen.
B.t.w.: My motivation, as I figured out in a post above, is the use with my microcopter and especially the remote control stuff via USB-Power-Pin. Do you see any contra-indication in "Shoot", "Start Video", "Zoom-IN/OUT" scripting for this device?
It would be great if you can explain the binding between the Pin checking routine and the shoot stub of CHDK...
The rest is done by just modulating the pulse width and connecting these events to different functions.
Not sure what you are asking here, but if you look at the kbd.c code (in the ..\trunknnnn\platform\ixus120_sd940\ directory you will find a routine called my_kbd_read_keys(). This is where the status of the USB pin is detected.
I don't think that I've seen anyone try to decode PWM signals from the USB power pin - at least not in CHDK basic or lua. However, you could probably customize the kdb.c code (mentioned above) to do what you want. It will just no longer be a standard version of CHDK.
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