I am having a odd problem with long exposures and noise reduction. It appears that noise reduction won't take place when I use any form of timer. But, when I just press the shutter with no timer, noise reduction takes place.
Here is my setup
- camera firmare 101c
- old, newest stable, and newest development (1.5.0) chdk tried
- set Tv override to 1 a minute exposure
- using averaging noise reduction in DNG 1.1
- dark frame subtraction ON from enhanced photo ops menu
- by just pressing shutter with no timer - long exposure noise reduction happens with an equally long exposure done after main exposure
- when camera's timer is used, or the intervalometer script is used, - no long exposure noise reduction happens
can anyone else replicate this problem? Or, am I doing something wrong?
one more note - it may be other overrides that are getting messed up as well when using a timer.