The new version boots into play with both short presses to Play and Rec, goes into Rec if Rec button is being held during power on, turns off if Play is being held. So seems you did not break anything in the clean-up.
* Disable CHDK tasks and see if the effect is still there
Quote* Disable CHDK tasks and see if the effect is still thereHere's a test build for this one. It has *all* CHDK hooks disabled, so there will be no CHDK splash screen or UI, and it will show card locked for autoboot. The play/rec behavior at power on should still be CHDK.
Yes it does show card is locked. It still crashes on USB 5V Power. The remote cable is enough it does not need data lines
Could we be chasing ghosts? I'll re-dump the firmware. If there is a difference either mine is broken or the archived one is.
* Maybe there's something in the function commented out for diskboot that needs to be called, similar to some SD card issues? However, it looks pretty normal to other cameras of the same era (2011, Digic 4, Dry 47, propset 4) as does the rest of the boot / restart code
Low hopes for this one, but here's a test of it anyway.
Yes, sadly the remote shutter cable is still enough to kill it. All as before in that regard.
* Try to figure out where the HardwareDefect call originates and work back from that
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