my problem was not the tool, but the flow itself:
I tried to load the PRIMARY.BIN, but it was without a template platform directory build setup, especially the stub files, not clear what is generated and what is analyzed.
The general flow is clear PRIMARY.BIN + signature pattern = stub-files, but the role of the buttons was not clear to me.
What is scanning?
What is analyzing?
What is generating stubs?
For an insider this may be stupid questions, but for beginner it's hard to determine what the dedicated flow of actions has to be!
Most of it is getting clearer by building a platform and observing the log and the missing symbols, but starting the PT and wild clicking didn't do the job for me.
I didn't understood the scan and pattern matching until I looked into the Makefiles...
And even more important, what have I to do with unresolved symbols, it is clear that I have to dissassemble and scan it by hand, but what is very important for me is a hint, which stub files may be changed by hand without be killed by another generator run....
Please understand this not as critic on your tool, the intention seems to be brilliant...my problem is that without a flow description:
How is a new platform added to the trunk?
What's coming in?
What's going out?
What metadata is fed into the process?
Where are the patch points for handmade patches?
A rookie may have problems to understand what has to be done when?
This may be related also to my style...I always try to understand what a GUI-click does, so most interesting are LOGs and make protocols...
Poooh ... that was lot of prosa ... hopefully containing some informations

...have fun...
P.S.: Unfortunately I've only a few hours per day in the late evening, so please be patient with my progress.