Note: I've asked the forum moderator to move this conversation to the ELPH300HS aka IXUS220HS - Porting Thread.I use win xp a card formatted in FAT 32 from 4 GMB I've copied the file into strings and primary and there are no other files or photos
I put the card into the camera is not locked I turned on the camera by pressing the play button poiil func to set until the clock does not start and I stop here ...
Okay, lets take it from here :
1) Formatted FAT32 is fine - although a 4G card can be formatted FAT16 and will be able to use the "SD Card Lock" boot method in the future.
2) Please post a link to exactly which file you copied ? Typically you have to unzip an archive file into the root of the SD card.
3) What do you mean by "strings and primary" ? Those are not directories you would normally find on an SD card holding CHDK.
4) I'm not following what happens after you put the card into the camera. You press the play button and nothing happens ? Or the camera starts up normally ? If it starts up normally do you go to the Canon menus and look for the firmware update menu item ? Do you see it ? If so, what happens when you select it ?