We still have some image capturing problems:
- ISO speed override results in a crash when you half-press the shutter
- I suspect this has something to do with shooting_expo_iso_override in shooting.c, which was lifted verbatim from the 500hs, which was lifted verbatim from the sx220hs ...
Connected to above issue is the following:
I looked into the HDR script issue and did some testing with different variations of this HDR script to figure out which command could be responsible for crash.
As long as I remove all set_sv96(s) calls from the script, everything works fine.
The next shoot() command after a set_sv96(s) command will lead to camera shutdown (with lens staying outside).
I get the same crash when I override ISO values via ALT menu settings (like jstanley already reported).
The root cause for crash from HDR script is clear now, it is the Override of ISO settings. As soon as we have been able to fix the ISO override issue the HDR script should also work fine.
In capt_rec.c I commented out:
//" BL shooting_expo_iso_override\n"
" BL sub_FF88319C \n"
" BL shooting_expo_param_override\n"
and the behaviour is the same => crash.
Also this variant leads to crash:
" BL shooting_expo_iso_override\n"
" BL sub_FF88319C \n"
//" BL shooting_expo_param_override\n"
Only with this configuration in capt_seq.c no crash any more:

//" BL shooting_expo_iso_override\n"
" BL sub_FF88319C \n"
//" BL shooting_expo_param_override\n"
If one of these two functions is called => crash.
How to find out correct values or verify existing entries in shooting.c :
I found out that in <ALT> Menu -> Misc -> Debug Parameters these mode values can be made visible very easy. Just activate "Debug Data Display [Props]" and "Propcase Page 14". Entry no. 149 will show the current ISO value.
I checked these values and verified that ISOTable iso_table[] in shooting.c is correct.