Same crash, no correlation between the romlog time and camera time, so it's impossible to say when it happened.
If you get the camera time somewhere in the script, that would allow you to correlate the two, and figure out when the crash actually happened. E.g.
As a wild guess, I would think you are switching to play mode, or possibly something else unexpected by the camera while some part of the shooting process is not fully complete.
Once again, this is your project. If you want to resolve these problems, you are going to have to make an effort to debug it. There's no point in posting identical ROMLOGs over and over. I look at them to see if I can find any obvious clues, but if there isn't, then you are going to have to come up with some additional diagnostics. Right now, the obvious clue is that it is somehow related to shooting.
Given that in the past you've simply ignored a lot of the advice you were given (including stuff that was *directly* causing your problems) I'm not inclined to waste my time trying to get you to do basic troubleshooting.
In fact, the romlog you posted is from the same crash as the previous one you posted. Not just the same part of the code, they are 100% identical including the time, so either you posted the wrong file, or there has been no new crash recorded by the camera.