Are these software upgrades possible? - page 15 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Are these software upgrades possible?

  • 187 Replies
Re: Are these software upgrades possible?
« Reply #140 on: 04 / June / 2011, 00:17:42 »
Is it possible to put a continuous, on-screen time-stamp on video?


Offline reyalp

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Re: Are these software upgrades possible?
« Reply #141 on: 04 / June / 2011, 02:58:41 »
Is it possible to put a continuous, on-screen time-stamp on video?
CHDK does not have this ability. As far as I know, no one has figured out how to modify video before it is written to disk.
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Re: Are these software upgrades possible?
« Reply #142 on: 05 / June / 2011, 11:41:58 »
I'm trying to get chdkptp to return "reboot successful" in the log if the reboot succeeds but nothing I'm trying is working. Do you know the best way to do this?

I tried this:
return chdk.connect()
return "reboot successful"

at the end of the cli.lua file. That didn't work.

I tried: reboot ; return "reboot successful" as a command. That didn't work either.


Offline reyalp

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Re: Are these software upgrades possible?
« Reply #143 on: 05 / June / 2011, 18:16:36 »
Reboot already tries to reconnect.
how about just checking chdk.is_connected() after the reboot command ?
(wait 4+ seconds for reboot and reconnection)
!return chdk.is_connected()
The above will print something like =true or =false depending on whether the it reconnected OK
You could also do
!if chdk.is_connected() then return "reboot ok" else return "reboot failed" end
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Re: Are these software upgrades possible?
« Reply #144 on: 06 / June / 2011, 00:44:38 »
will it break if it is asked that question too early? i.e., 1 second after the reboot command?

Right now I have it waiting 8 seconds but it usually only takes about 2 to reboot.


Offline reyalp

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Re: Are these software upgrades possible?
« Reply #145 on: 06 / June / 2011, 01:07:31 »
the reboot command waits 3 seconds before trying to reconnect. chdkptp won't read input until that wait is over, but I have no idea what your application will do if it tries to send input while chdkptp is blocking.
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Re: Are these software upgrades possible?
« Reply #146 on: 17 / October / 2011, 00:23:34 »
I never solved the random command window closing problem. Instead I just have my program check if the window exists and if it doesn't, it opens it again. So to summarize, I have to wrestle the canon camera into working correctly -because it has an unfixable memory problem causing it to unpredictably crash- and wrestle the command window into staying open.

I looked at 'industrial' cameras with similar specs to the SX130IS. Their prices are top secret for absolutely no legitimate reason but I got lucky and found out that the price of one of the lower end models was about $2500. That's a totally insane price and completely illegitimate. So... Do you have any suggestions for a more reliable, professional replacement for the Canon? One that is designed to run 24/7, can take all the same commands as the SX130IS and costs about the same?
« Last Edit: 17 / October / 2011, 00:32:23 by John1234 »

Re: Are these software upgrades possible?
« Reply #147 on: 16 / January / 2012, 21:39:04 »
I'm getting "unexpected return code 0x2005" and 0x2ff. Any idea what that's about? can't get it to stop throwing that error


Offline reyalp

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Re: Are these software upgrades possible?
« Reply #148 on: 17 / January / 2012, 00:10:07 »
I'm getting "unexpected return code 0x2005" and 0x2ff. Any idea what that's about? can't get it to stop throwing that error
As I said before, 0x2ff is generic error that happens if anything goes wrong with the connection. If the camera crashes, you will get that. If you unplug the usb cord, you will get that.

0x2005 is PTP_RC_OperationNotSupported. As far as I can tell, the CHDK code will ever return this. The camera might if you send a CHDK command when the CHDK code isn't running, or send some other unexpected opcode.
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Re: Are these software upgrades possible?
« Reply #149 on: 17 / January / 2012, 09:12:15 »
Here are the events that led to this problem. Memory card got filled up with one huge video. Had to remove card from camera and delete DCIM folder. Put card back in camera. Now have issue. I vaguely remember the card needing to be locked or unlocked. Can't remember. CHDK probably isn't booting like you said. Any idea why? The system is so autonomous now that I forget how to set it up since it goes so long before needing to be messed with.


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