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PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread

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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #170 on: 18 / July / 2011, 23:26:11 »
Yeah I had an error in my code, I missed a set of brackets in one location making CHDK look at the wrong buffer, sometimes causing it to crash, sometimes causing black/white/random images.

For what it's worth, I'm a total newbie at this but just managed to load your Beta 2 build for firmware 1.0.1a.  I really appreciate your efforts on this port!

I haven't done much testing yet (keep getting confused getting into and out of ALT mode  :blink: ), but ran into the same problem (white images) when doing a test of AE bracketing.  I also got a crash... freeze up actually, non-responsive to anything but shutter press script launch. And the first time I tried bracketing with histogram on, everything went black except a green light on the camera back kept flashing.

I agree with an earlier poster that if there is any way of setting up the AE bracketing to work in custom timer mode in addition to continuous mode, it sure would be handy. 

The bells and whistles of CHDK look really neat, but my main motivation for playing with this is to see if I can have some fun with HDR before having to trade up to an EVIL or DSLR. Annoys me to no end that Canon doesn't include bracketing at this level.

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #171 on: 19 / July / 2011, 04:34:29 »
Some simple tests, similar results have been posted by others I believe:
Shutter override seems to work (tried up to 1 minute but more is probably possible) though the meta data will show a shutter speed of 15 seconds
Iso override seems to do something but appears buggy. Got from 80 to 8000 in the meta data but image results did not seem to have the expected result. Might be me using the settings wrongly
Apperture override seems to work up to f/11

Have not tested scripts yet.

Quote from: nosaj
I agree with an earlier poster that if there is any way of setting up the AE bracketing to work in custom timer mode in addition to continuous mode, it sure would be handy. 

Not sure I understand you correctly but (on GM1.00c firmware) if I set chdk to exposure backeting +-2 then in program or manual mode select continuous shooting (set button) and then set the selftimer (right press on the wheel i believe) to custom (last option) with 3 shots and 2 second between it works like a charm.

Bit confusing I agree but the combination of continuous and self timer seems to do bracketing just fine.  Also remember that you need to keep the shutter pressed down till all x shots have been taken.

I don't like the N900's cam. The N95 8GB was nice, but the N900's kinda always gives crappy images, unless u have perfect light conditions.

I managed to get quite a few nice shots and the picture thread on the n900 forums contain some amazing shots as well. I agree that it is fairly bad in low light but as I tend to shoot outdoors mainly that is less of an issue for me.


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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #172 on: 19 / July / 2011, 05:59:03 »
If the custom timer isn't working you should update to the latest trunk and define CAM_DRIVE_MODE_FROM_TIMER_MODE in platform_camera.h.

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #173 on: 19 / July / 2011, 06:38:19 »
Beta 3 for sx230hs Firmware version 1.0.1a

There is a nasty bug where the camera crashes sometimes when taking photos. Hasn't repeared in this but for a day to two, so deciding to post. It if appears please let me know because as far as I know I havent dont anything to fix it.

biskboot.bin - http://www.box.net/shared/qu0s14ttpiccf2ly9h9k
ps.fi2 - http://www.box.net/shared/5dkdhstlis746xfxiv7a

As always use at your own risk


Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #174 on: 19 / July / 2011, 11:10:41 »
Beta 3 for sx230hs Firmware version 1.0.1a

-shutter speed overrides (tested 1/2000 to 64 seconds)
-aperture overrides shows only one "f" value i.e. 1.41 however actual "f" values changes with every click after "off" till 16 times. (which gives aperture from f3.1 to f11)
-ISO from 10 to 400. (still needs confirmation as exif data shows minimum value up to ISO 10 by selecting ISO 1 and value factor 1.)
-Manual focus overrides, however its same as camera manual focus.
-bracketing in contineous mode (TV, ISO and AV bracketing|) (even working in custom timer mode.)  :P
-DNG raw file.  (Finally without any white/black noisy images.)   8)
-Histogram and Zebra mode.
-custom Auto ISO. (in high ISO [above 400) camera turns off)
-edge overlay
-calender, games, text reader.


-shutter speed overrides doesnt go faster than 1/2000.  :(

-aperture overrides shows only one "f" value i.e. 1.41 in CHDK menu. :(

-camera turns off if selected ISO above 400. )   :(

« Last Edit: 19 / July / 2011, 11:33:44 by abderian2004 »

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #175 on: 19 / July / 2011, 11:36:33 »
Thanks Taliesin for your time and for this new build.

This will keep us happy. (specially DNG raw and bracketing features.)

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #176 on: 19 / July / 2011, 16:18:43 »
For GM1.00c based on beta 2

-iso from 10 - 12800 result in corresponding meta data  (tried to input from 5 to 15000). Better testing needed to see if the images actually differ.
-shutter 1/3200 - at least 322 seconds (then i got bored :)) Minimum results are based on meta data and seem wrong. I believe to hear two distinct clicks which I would not expect to be able to hear at 1/3200 but I might be wrong there.Maximum result is based on time the camera is in recording mode although the meta data displays a max of 15 seconds. Better tests needed.
-aperture f/3.1 - f/11 (minimum input in 3.1, maximum 16). Tests needed to know if f/11 is the actual max or just the max value displayed by canon in the meta data.

Already mentioned as working:
DNG saves
bracketing tv,ex and iso (with custom timer)

Would love to know the actual limits on shutter speed and aperture


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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #177 on: 19 / July / 2011, 18:20:30 »
For sx220, which is basically the same camera, the Av override goes up to f11 but actually the maximum is f8. Everyhing from f8 to f11 is just the ND filter In.

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #178 on: 19 / July / 2011, 21:20:10 »
Bit confusing I agree but the combination of continuous and self timer seems to do bracketing just fine.  Also remember that you need to keep the shutter pressed down till all x shots have been taken.

Is that a limitation of the software? I'd much prefer not to have to keep my finger on the trigger; getting older and shakier every day :)

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #179 on: 19 / July / 2011, 23:31:20 »
For sx220, which is basically the same camera, the Av override goes up to f11 but actually the maximum is f8. Everyhing from f8 to f11 is just the ND filter In.

I have compared f8 and f11 pics, taking a macro subject, the depth of field is slightly different in both the images.


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