PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread - page 21 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum  

PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread

  • 706 Replies
Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #200 on: 26 / July / 2011, 07:21:27 »
Re: Beta 4 for sx230hs Firmware version 1.0.1a

Cool, this is definitely a usable build for me!

TV bracketing is perfect using the custom timer as long as I used a fixed ISO, and metadata for all of the images seems to match their apparent exposure.  Am able to boot from my 8GB SD card using the instructions given earlier (hex editing) with no problems.

A couple rough edges:

- AV bracketing always seems to operate in one direction (continuously darker), regardless of whether the bracketing type is set to +, -, or +/-.

- Still getting crashes when shooting auto ISO in standard compact-fleurescent lighting when doing multiple shots exposure bracketing.  I have set my custom timer to 5 shots, 1 second apart.

Sorry I didn't have enough time to test more (have to wake up for work in three hours) :/

Thank you again for all of the hard work you put into making this firmware work for those of us that really want to play with it but don't have the low level coding skills!

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #201 on: 26 / July / 2011, 17:17:27 »
Beta 4 for sx230hs Firmware version 1.0.1a

Hi taliesin,

Firstly, thanks for all your hard work porting CHDK to the SX230  :)

I am still experiencing a couple of fundmental problems with this build. I've deleted all config files to test and these problems also occur with default CHDK settings:

1. When ISO is set over 400, either explicitly or via Auto ISO, camera crashes (switches off without lens retraction) and image is not saved.

2. Shooting video (set to 1080p24), the same thing (switch off) happens after 10 or 11 seconds of recording.

I'm autobooting.

Please let me know if there is any other information I can give to you.

Thanks again taliesin,


Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #202 on: 27 / July / 2011, 21:08:47 »
Beta 4 for sx230hs Firmware version 1.0.1a

-shutter speed overrides : tested faster speed up to 1/5000 and slower up to 128sec.

-ISO tested from 80 to 400. (above 400 camera turns off.)

-AV overrides: f3.1 to f16.

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #203 on: 28 / July / 2011, 01:19:37 »
Thanks for the info guys,

I am going to the mountain for the next few days. When I get back I have a day off work so will try and work out the crash on ISO's over 400. I have looked over everything a few times and cant find anything obvious.

I will have to do it one line of code at a time till i find the culpret.

Will let you know of anything progress


Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #204 on: 29 / July / 2011, 14:17:35 »


I could be of assistance in testing an autobuild for SX230. As I understand there is beta-versions... Where can I get the full beta 4 ?


Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #205 on: 29 / July / 2011, 20:44:14 »


I could be of assistance in testing an autobuild for SX230. As I understand there is beta-versions... Where can I get the full beta 4 ?


There are two camera firmware versions: 

SX230HS Firmware version GM1.00c Beta 3: http://www.box.net/shared/60snqfh2x484o4qk87mm  Created  by Genie

SX230HS Firmware version GM1.0.1a Beta 4: http://www.box.net/shared/yz0ij8jnlvink6d4ex95   Created by taliesin
« Last Edit: 29 / July / 2011, 20:46:35 by abderian2004 »

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #206 on: 05 / August / 2011, 01:49:57 »
Played with the latest chdk for firmware 1.00c. The functionality built into chdk is impressive. The downside to this is that it makes it complicated and diffiicult to use. For some reason, getting into the chdk menu is a hit-or-miss thing. I have to try several times before I can access the menu. Sometimes I get a running clock. Sometimes the wrong menu showed up, either Canon's original menu or the run script menu. Anyone experienced the same problem?
I hope someone would develop a simpler chdk. I would probably just use a few main functions, e.g., limiting iso ranges; bracketing; intervalometer; the ability to increase iso >100 for shutter speeds >1 sec (which is a built-in limitation), RAW shooting. Thank you genie for spending time on the project. Very much appreciated. Cheers.

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #207 on: 05 / August / 2011, 03:52:57 »
For some reason, getting into the chdk menu is a hit-or-miss thing. I have to try several times before I can access the menu. Anyone experienced the same problem?

Yes, it takes some getting used to. Your camera will be in one of two modes and buttons behave differently depending on which one you are in. In the default mode the buttons do what they did without chdk, the chdk overrides etc still apply however. In the alt mode (which you can recognize by the alt indicator on your display) the buttons work differently and pressing menu will bring up the chdk menu.

The most complex part is that switching modes is done with set + disp, this takes some practise and timing but I find it works best when you pres set and while keeping that down press disp. The other way around while in alt mode often toggles raw >.<

See also http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/CHDK_User_Manual for an explanation about what buttons do what when :)

I hope someone would develop a simpler chdk. I would probably just use a few main functions

This has actually been done. See http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/User_menu to setup your own menu.

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #208 on: 06 / August / 2011, 03:45:12 »
Thanks for the helpful reply, FarmerF. Will take a look at the user manual. Think I will need some time to understand it. Cheers.

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #209 on: 06 / August / 2011, 05:17:38 »
Whoa, set+disp now huh? Interesting. I just bought myself an SX230HS with GM1.01A yesterday, so I'm very happy to see there is some development already! I use CHDK on my SD770IS and SX20IS so will be glad to get it on this one ASAP.

Can the alt key be re-set to something else, like maybe the video record button? On my SD770IS, my alt key is the print button (which is in the same place as this camera's video record button), but if I hold it down for about .5 seconds it functions as the camera's shortcut button (default behavior, in my case starts video recording).. Could this be possible for this camera, rather than having to press two keys at once, or would I have to use a one-off special CHDK build to do this?
Canon SD770IS GM1.00A
Canon SX20IS GM1.02B
Canon SX230HS GM1.00C (RIP :()
Canon SX130IS GM1.00B


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