PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread - page 25 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread

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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #240 on: 24 / August / 2011, 01:15:52 »
BTW, someone mentioned that the TV override can be as long as 64 secs. In my tests, the maximum is only 15 secs.
The Canon OSD & EXIF meta data does not reflect the real data, these OSD's are usually limited to the values known by the original firmware...

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #241 on: 24 / August / 2011, 02:07:58 »
I actually timed the exposure using a watch. Even when I override TV to 30 secs, the OSD shows 15 secs and actual exposure is also 15 secs as timed. Another thing, I did a generate badpixel file and discovered that there are approx. 20,500 bad pixels in the sensor. The chdk user manual says up to 15,000 bad pixels is not uncommon. But over 20,000 bad pixels? BTW, I am really pleased with what chdk can do  :D


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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #242 on: 24 / August / 2011, 02:14:09 »
I actually timed the exposure using a watch. Even when I override TV to 30 secs, the OSD shows 15 secs and actual exposure is also 15 secs as timed.

Probably means the override hook has not been implemented properly. The source is not yet in the CHDK SVN repository so it's hard to say for sure (I think it's in CHDK-DE though).

Another thing, I did a generate badpixel file and discovered that there are approx. 20,500 bad pixels in the sensor. The chdk user manual says up to 15,000 bad pixels is not uncommon. But over 20,000 bad pixels? BTW, I am really pleased with what chdk can do  :D

The CMOS sensors seem to have a lot more bad pixels than the CCD sensors, and they are clustered in vertical lines. Based on what we found on the SX220 and IXUS310, you should set the ISO to 3200 before generating the badpixel file to make sure you are getting them all. But be prepared for a large number. A compression system has been added for these cameras that halves the file size, although this may not yet be enabled for the SX230.

CHDK ports:
  sx30is (1.00c, 1.00h, 1.00l, 1.00n & 1.00p)
  g12 (1.00c, 1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  sx130is (1.01d & 1.01f)
  ixus310hs (1.00a & 1.01a)
  sx40hs (1.00d, 1.00g & 1.00i)
  g1x (1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  g5x (1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b)
  g7x2 (1.01a, 1.01b, 1.10b)

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #243 on: 24 / August / 2011, 05:59:29 »
Hello everybody! First post in here, at least since the A60 days.

I have 101A. Same result with ISO above 400 shutting down the camera. I imagine you guys, gals and gods will squash the bug in no time. Although bugs do move awful fast, I itch just thinking about them. Only whitnessed the shut down via an intervalometer script as I hastened to that as that is my big need. So I will be peeping in here a couple times a day.

One particular question comes to mind. I used the PS and DISKBOOT files from talisman's efforts referenced in a couple placing in this thread, and the CHDK directory from a SX220 HS, zip file. I'm wondering if I am in for frustration later or if all these items are compatible. Cameras not smoking yet....

« Last Edit: 24 / August / 2011, 15:12:32 by bugbait »

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #244 on: 24 / August / 2011, 06:29:38 »
Experimented with generating the badpixel file using different iso. For iso =< 1600, the result is pretty consistent giving a figure of 20,500 bad pixels. But once I use iso=3200, the no. of bad pixels jumps to over 66,000. Question is: do I need to use the higher figure if I take all my photos at iso =< 1600?


Offline philmoz

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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #245 on: 24 / August / 2011, 07:57:03 »
Experimented with generating the badpixel file using different iso. For iso =< 1600, the result is pretty consistent giving a figure of 20,500 bad pixels. But once I use iso=3200, the no. of bad pixels jumps to over 66,000. Question is: do I need to use the higher figure if I take all my photos at iso =< 1600?

No, you don't have to; but I've found on the IXUS310 that sometimes you do get extra bad pixels in the DNG files at lower ISO's, especially with longer shutter speeds.

Try taking a selection of images at various ISO and shutter speeds then look carefully at the DNG files. If you see random bad pixels then you should probably stick with the ISO 3200 badpixel file.

CHDK ports:
  sx30is (1.00c, 1.00h, 1.00l, 1.00n & 1.00p)
  g12 (1.00c, 1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  sx130is (1.01d & 1.01f)
  ixus310hs (1.00a & 1.01a)
  sx40hs (1.00d, 1.00g & 1.00i)
  g1x (1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  g5x (1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b)
  g7x2 (1.01a, 1.01b, 1.10b)

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #246 on: 24 / August / 2011, 09:26:58 »
BTW, someone mentioned that the TV override can be as long as 64 secs. In my tests, the maximum is only 15 secs.

On which firmware? I have GM1.00c beta 3 and can take much longer exposures. Never tested the limit but up  to 322 seconds works. abderian2004  is on 1.0.1a and confirmed shutter speed up to 64 seconds on that firmware. As mentioned by others the exif data is incorrect for overridden shutter speeds.

Oh and please always mention your firmware version and chdk build version

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #247 on: 24 / August / 2011, 12:02:08 »
I have firmware version 1.00c and used chdk version 1.00c beta 3. Set override shutter speed = 30, value factor = 1 and shutter speed enum type = factor. I believe these settings should result in a shutter speed of 30 secs, but I only get 15 secs. In fact, whenever I set shutter speed > 15 with value factor set at 1 and shutter speed enum = factor, I only get 15 secs maximum. I am surprised that you can get up to 322 secs.


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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #248 on: 24 / August / 2011, 15:02:07 »
Why doesn't anybody share the sources of 1.01A? Maybe somebody could take a look at the code and fix this small errors.  ::)

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #249 on: 24 / August / 2011, 15:39:03 »
Hey daddyx and others,

Where would I find the badpixel script? I bought my SX230 HS, just a few days ago. (101A) So far very positively impressed with the images. One dead pixel on the screen, but no worries there.

I'm raising some Monarch butterflies. I have already learned a good bit watching them fly around in 120fps. Even the greater relative position of the wings and abdomin can be made out in 240 fps. I will be sculpting some jewelry in their forms.
« Last Edit: 24 / August / 2011, 15:50:44 by bugbait »


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