PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread - page 65 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread

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Offline philmoz

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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #640 on: 07 / December / 2013, 01:45:27 »
though there seems to be an issue, it detects fewer bad pixels, on the old firmware, it detects a little over 36000  while the new one only detects a little over 34000 bad pixels (the raw files don't seem to have more bad pixels though, I will have to examine them more closely)

There was a bug fixed recently that cause incorrect counting of bad pixels.

CHDK ports:
  sx30is (1.00c, 1.00h, 1.00l, 1.00n & 1.00p)
  g12 (1.00c, 1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  sx130is (1.01d & 1.01f)
  ixus310hs (1.00a & 1.01a)
  sx40hs (1.00d, 1.00g & 1.00i)
  g1x (1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  g5x (1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b)
  g7x2 (1.01a, 1.01b, 1.10b)


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #641 on: 07 / December / 2013, 13:57:54 »
in manual mode, you set the ND filter state as in, then take a few pictures, then set it to off, the camera crashes with the lens still extended)
The crash is caused by a timed out call to the WaitForAllEventFlag firmware function, in BrtMsrTask (brightness measure task). I think this "bug" exists on several cameras that have the "gratis" ND filter in addition to their iris diaphragm.
Unfortunately I don't see an easy workaround that's guaranteed to work. The related notes in this post seem to apply. This camera only has the PutInNdFilter and PutOutNdFilter event procedures, and the dedicated ND filter handling source module (NdActuator.c) is missing.


- Are there camera modes in which the CHDK ND control doesn't cause a crash?
- After setting ND to off, do you need to press the shutter to make the camera crash?
- Is there any way to avoid the crash (things like mode change, switch to play mode and back, etc.)?

About memory:
There's about 140k free Canon heap with the reduced size badpixel.bin, which is not a lot.
There doesn't seem to be a perfect solution:
- you either accept the risk of camera crash due to out-of-memory and enjoy good quality jpegs (above test versions)
- or you get more reliable operation and over-compressed jpegs (official CHDK releases)

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #642 on: 07 / December / 2013, 16:15:15 »
I think this "bug" exists on several cameras that have the "gratis" ND filter in addition to their iris diaphragm.
This may not help, but the G10 has both.  I was unable to produce a crash by using CHDK to force the ND in or out while taking shots.   

FWIW - the G10 Canon Func/Set menu has a menu entry to allow manual control of the ND filter and AFAIK,  the camera never activates it automatically.  This may be different than the "gratis" ND filter situation you describe?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #643 on: 08 / December / 2013, 04:47:29 »
hmm, no problem then, there aren't many situations where the ND filter is needed, just noticed it as part of testing all of the features.

Other than space savings, is there any benefit to lowering the jpeg size? I always use raw because even at it's best, the jpeg output is generally nothing close to the quality of a processed raw file.

for the crash, It happens in all modes (though the ND filter is almost never needed anyway since the lenses on these cameras are not very fast, and the sensors are not very large)

Overall the crash seems time dependent.

there seems to be no way to avoid the crash, even if you do not disable it, with it being set to in for too long will cause a crash, but you can get off a few shots before it crashes so it is not much of an issue, and if it is really needed, it would not be a problem to just restart the camera after it crashes
« Last Edit: 08 / December / 2013, 04:57:39 by Razor512 »


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #644 on: 08 / December / 2013, 09:42:52 »
I was unable to produce a crash by using CHDK to force the ND in or out while taking shots.
That's because the sigfinder automatically finds the non-crashing event procedures when they are available.

for the crash, It happens in all modes (though the ND filter is almost never needed anyway since the lenses on these cameras are not very fast, and the sensors are not very large)

Overall the crash seems time dependent.

there seems to be no way to avoid the crash, even if you do not disable it, with it being set to in for too long will cause a crash
I still would like to know whether it will crash if you don't touch the camera. The timeout I mentioned above is 5 seconds, so if you get a crash in 5 seconds after pressing (half)shutter, then the crash is triggered by the (half)shoot.

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #645 on: 09 / December / 2013, 13:07:24 »
yep, I was able to confirm if the shutter is pressed half way for around 5-10 seconds then it will crash upon release, but only in manual mode.  in other modes, it does not crash from a half press.

Other than that, the ND filter crashing is random, it can be anywhere from 1 minute, to 10 minutes of use.

Also noticed another issue. The filter is [admin: avoid swearing please] quality, it really reduces image sharpness, really don't want to use it now unless it 100% cannot be avoided.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #646 on: 19 / February / 2014, 19:07:32 »
New CHDK 1.3 test builds for testing a configuration with ARAM allocation and reduced UI memory. The latter should give 128kB more free memory.

These are really testing releases, they might prove to be unstable. To check whether the camera's so-called UI memory gets dangerously low, enable 'Miscellaneous stuff' -> 'Debug parameters' -> 'Show misc. values', and watch the two debug values while you're browsing various depths of the Canon menu (the debug display will likely only show in ALT mode while browsing the Canon menu).

Please also use the logmem.lua script as described in this post, and note the lowest UI memory values you see on the debug display.

If testing proves that this configuration is stable, there might be a chance that we can get rid of the EXMEM configuration used in the official releases, and everybody can get quality JPEGs from this camera.

Warning: the download site that hosts the builds may show strong advertising activity, ad-blocking recommended...

Any feedback is appreciated.
« Last Edit: 19 / February / 2014, 19:09:09 by srsa_4c »

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #647 on: 21 / February / 2014, 11:04:07 »

SX230HS 1.00c

No problems so far!



Offline srsa_4c

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Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #648 on: 21 / February / 2014, 17:45:51 »

SX230HS 1.00c

No problems so far!
Thanks. I assume the log was made in play mode without a loaded badpixel.bin, free RAM is almost 400kB.
If you have some time, can you run logmem.lua several times while you use the cam (play mode, rec mode, shooting photos, videos, etc), and also note the lowest number of the mentioned debug display (activated by 'Miscellaneous stuff' -> 'Debug parameters' -> 'Show misc. values')?

Re: PowerShot SX230 HS - Porting Thread
« Reply #649 on: 22 / February / 2014, 01:39:35 »
Hi srsa_4c,

If you have some time, can you run logmem.lua several times while you use the cam (play mode, rec mode, shooting photos, videos, etc), and also note the lowest number of the mentioned debug display (activated by 'Miscellaneous stuff' -> 'Debug parameters' -> 'Show misc. values')?


Power on in Rec-Mode
 - All: 385592
 - Max: 359960

Playing UI
 - All: 385592
 - Max: 359960

Shoot one picture
 - All: 385592
 - Max: 359960

 - All: 385592
 - Max: 359960

Switch to Play-Mode
 - All: 400840
 - Max: 359960

Back to Rec-Mode
 - All: 383800
 - Max: 359960

 Shoot one picture
 - All: 383800
 - Max: 359960


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