Hi everyone!

I hope this thread is not too dead. First, thank for all the shared feedback already here and the work from all the contributors to this kit. I am still browsing through the info, so I apologise if I have missed something that's already there.
I recently discovered this CHDK world and I decided to get an SX230 HS. I was really impressed by this video (
because it was showing exactly the kind of results I was after.
After checking the firmware version (turned out to be 101c, according to the ACID tool), I downloaded the latest stable CHDK for my camera (sx230hs-101c-1.4.1-5084-full.zip) and copied over to my SD card.
I started my camera with the "Play" button, moved down to Firmware update, updated and the CHDK loads OK. I am not sure if it is relevant but I actually noticed that in the CHDK splashscreen it said "101b" and I am positive I downloaded and copied the 101c zip.
Anyway, I do not find the exact procedure to get that kind of video recording and the couple of "step-by-step" don't match exactly the options I have on my camera, including the one by our fellow member msl below (but this may be due to the fact that he owns a SX220, not a SX230, I don't know).
It would be great if anyone with the SX230 HS could shoot some short video and upload this tutorial about how they go through the CHDK to set the relevant options in order to record with the zoom lever to adjust the manual focus in video mode.
Alternatively, if anyone tells me the actual steps that work on my SX230, I do not mind recording that tutorial myself and sharing it later on YouTube.
Thanks in advance,
MF in video works fine for me (SX220). 
Try the following steps:
- Choose P mode
- Switch into ALT mode and start CHDK menu.
- Select 'Extra Photo Operations', go to 'Override Subj. Dist. Value' and 'Value Factor (mm)'.
- Choose a step width in 'Value Factor (mm)', e.g. 10.
- Set a min. subject distance in 'Override Subj. Dist. Value'.
- Leave the menu & ALT mode.
- Choose MF and set subject distance with jogdial to a minimal value.
- Switch into ALT mode. Now you see the status display with subject distance and step width.
- Use the zoom lever. When you can change the subject distance, you have won.
Leave the ALT mode. Start video recording with MF mode. Switch into ALT mode and use the zoom lever for subject distance.