Hi! I found a bug! sometimes the camera turn off (randomly) when you're recording. Yesterday i was in a concert, and the camera make randoms shut down when recording.. My batterie charge was at 30%~40% almost... And all you have recorded is lost when that happens :S
P.S: My firm ver. is 1.01B.. And sorry for my bad english
Somewhat glad I'm not the only one reporting this particular bug. I've had the bug manifest itself on 1.01a. Problem is, I don't have any foolproof method to reproduce it.
taliesin has suspected it may be an overheating bug that was reported on the German CHDK forums.
First off, help us debug the problem.... while it's still fresh in your mind...
* which CHDK version are you using?
* how long were you recording for?
* Was the camera on for a long time taking pictures and all? I tend to get it to happen when I'm using the camera on/off for some time
* Any other conditions, like was it hot or cold weather, etc etc that you could think of that would affect camera operation?
In any case, try to reproduce it..... I haven't figured out howto yet, but if you can, that would go a long way in helping one of the coders here to pinpoint where the bug is.