hp and pentax? - Non-CANON cameras development - CHDK Forum

hp and pentax?

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hp and pentax?
« on: 01 / June / 2011, 11:38:27 »
Hello guys, I'm an amateur photographer and own a Rebel since about 6 months ago. I previously used a crappy photosmart E217 wich I had to save a lot to buy, and I've been using a Pentax Optio as well.

I have been researching over the internet and didnt find what I need, what I basically want is to modify some presets on the HP one, I wanted to know how can I change the white balance, contrast, aperture, and all the changeable settings so they don't change back after I switch it off... it's kind of annoying if i have to do it everytime, I just want to modify those settings to play with images on the go.

In other hand, I know the Pentax is a better compact than the hp and i was wondering if there's a way to use this chdk on it too...any help is appreciated, I just asked the same in 3 or 4 photography forums (in spanish) and got no answer...I even doubt they knew about this tool.

Here's my flickr, in case you want to drop by and give any tip, flickr.com/anitayjona

thanks in advance!


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