I cant find a goog script for time lapse for G11
This is my own.
Time-lapse with HDR mode or without HDR.
1. Turn off control display mode in main menu.
2. Do not set less than 3 fps, cause camera skip some frames
3. If you turn off RAW you can take about 3 fps
4. You can make HDR time lapse (test yourself for best fps) (With P program and brackets -2,0,+2 Ev)
Turn off LCD (by pressing DISP.(not in ALT mode)) to save battery.
Menu explanation:
Number of frames - how many shoots you want (default 0)
Number of frames x100 - number of shoots plus this factor multiply by 100 (default 1)
Number of frames: 5
Number of frames x100: 1
Total shoots will be 105.
Interval in seconds (default 4)
Time to wait in seconds between shoots. If you turn off control display mode and RAW and without HDR i think (after 10min testing) the best will be four
Refocus each frame (1=yes) - default 0
Focus at every frame. I suggest to turn this off (cause camera can take some blur shoots).
Sorry for english
1.00L g11-100l-0.9.9-1204-full_BETA.zip
http://mighty-hoernsche.de/Script modified from:
http://www.bidouille.org/misc/timelapseand from: