Hi there!
I'm Luca from northern Italy and I came in the forum looking for hacks for my S8500.
thanks to the posts in this thread I was able to get into the hidden menu and set zoom to 50x.
I also tried to get raw files but the option "Take12BitCCDRawImage" has no On/off switch in my menu, so I also tried to enable "SaveFullYRGB". The result is that, with the first on, I got a DSCXXX.RAW file only (without JPEG) that I can't open in any way. With the second, I got some YRGBXXX.RAW (this time with JPEG too) that I can't open either. I tried with several sw for Mac, including Raw Converter from Fuji, with no luck.
Anyway, another question: did someone get the goal in changing exposure time? I also took a look to Crutiatix post, with "functions.txt", but I couldn't understand how to use it.
Thanks to all in advance