Can somebody upload a real life badpixel.bin made on a CMOS camera (preferably after the fix)? I'd like to test something...
Patch to fix a regression in raw_init_badpixel_bin() - CHDK 1.2 and 1.3.Code: [Select]Index: modules/dng.c===================================================================--- modules/dng.c (revision 3220)+++ modules/dng.c (working copy)@@ -845,6 +845,7 @@ fwrite(c, 1, 4, f); } count = count + len;+ y += len - 1; } } }Can somebody upload a real life badpixel.bin made on a CMOS camera (preferably after the fix)? I'd like to test something...
Index: modules/dng.c===================================================================--- modules/dng.c (revision 3220)+++ modules/dng.c (working copy)@@ -845,6 +845,7 @@ fwrite(c, 1, 4, f); } count = count + len;+ y += len - 1; } } }
Tried it on my only CMOS sensor camera (SX50 with BSI-CMOS sensor) both with and without the patch. I get a zero bad pixel (and therefore zero file length badpixel.bin file) report from the camera either way.
Don't forget to update your dng module The issue knocked out the RLE compression of repeating bad pixels and made the camera report a higher badpixel count.w new cameras behave, it could be that bad pixels are now corrected before they reach the RAM...
y + = len - 1;
@srsa_4cIt seems that Quotey + = len - 1; has no effect on the number of bad pixels. At least not in my camera.
Attached is a patch for finsig_dryos to include ARAM_HEAP_START and ARAM_HEAP_SIZE in stubs_entry.S. I have intentionally not checked it in myself, in case the output or the code is not optimal.
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